Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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w ĪNSURASCE,« FIRE AND MAPINE THK CNDEBSIGNED 18 aUTHORIZED T0 T\KE FIRE ajti» MARINE RISKS 05 Buildin2:s, Merchandise, Careoes, Kreights and Commissions At CuiTPiit Rates, in the Followiug Cos. hakklt; ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. LIVERPOOL. ALLIANOE ASSCRANCK F1RE <fe MARINE, LONDON, WILHELMA OF MADGKBURG GENERAL 1NSURANCE CO. SUN INSUBANC£ COMPANY, san FRANC1SC0. J. S. WAI,RER, fMF“.\gpnt fir the Hawaiian lalan^a. ORDWAT & POBTEB, Robinson Block, Hotel St., between Fort and Nuuanu, Have Jugt Rfceivid,fer I ale Airivale, tle I ctt Stccli cf EUE NITCRE Ever Ini{K)rted to tliis Country, Comprising Handsome Carved -Bedroom 3ets ln Soliel Oak, a*d of thc LA TESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENTI0N IS CALLED T0 THESĒ SETS: WICKE3R WARB, Beaut f<iI Dos gns "f Wick-r Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHAIUS, KOCKEUS, etc.,vou ean get these in any EINloH you desire. CHAIR8 f Coantless niimbers of CHAIUS. in eveiy style, including OFFICE aud HIQH CHAIRS. tables, We bave bad a number of culls for these Ti.bles, with CHA1RS to matcb. We bave now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Cbiflfonier» itDIVA]VS.^ D vans covered with P0RT1ERS are becomiug qnite the rage in plnee of LOUNGES -w« m.iaufacture theui to order, and bave a la;ge stock of POltriEUS to sel ct from. BEDDI1TG-. Qre<t Assortment of WOA Ex AA 1RE MATTRESSES—Spring. Hnir, Moss, W.kj1 and Straw Mattresses ou huml and made to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHEltS .. d SILK FLOSS for Pil.ows. CR1BS, CltADL£S, etc. WlNDOW SHaDc.S of all colors and siz-s. COR>lCE P<J1.ES. m wood or br>ss trimmings. IE3 E !£>-£>- lEIUa. Mattr©sses, Loungea ;<nd all Upholstered Furuitnro repaired at r< aso>>uble n tes. CABINET MAKINO. in ali its braucbes, by Competent Workmen. MA'Pl'lNO LAiD niid lut rior Decor.it!. g uuder the Supervisiou of Mi. OEOKOE ORDWAi Our Goo«ls >re F rst C1 ss, and "ur prices are the lowest Come »nd be e qviuced—a tn..l is s Lc.ted. Beil 625. T£XEPH0XE3: MuLmi 645. ()UDWaY A PORTRR, R"b»iis*m Mlock.hAtwr.en p«»rt and Nunann

Telkpho.ves: Bell 351 | Mutual 417 Re8IDENce; Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, • «w GŪNTRACTOR and BUIL0ER Jjlstimates Griven on A.11 3iinds OF BB, lliUN, STllNE 4 W All Kinds of Jobbing in the Bailding Trade / Attcnded to. KEEP8 bX>R 8ALE: Brsoi, L>une, Cmnent. Iron Stune Pin&>«Dd Fittinga, Ohl A New t>»rmg«tod irun, Miuton.Tile8» Qoarrj Tiles, *s»urted siWm aaiui cuion*£ (Miloiuia «ud 3lootoiey Band r Granite Corking ami Bloeka. etc.. etc. i Corner iving A Smitb Sts« OPFlCF 3 VARD: \ Officc Hours, »to ta M.. ( t >04 PW.