Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PURIFIED WAĪEE. E» C3KD BT THE 00530 UŪA rXD SODA WATER W0RKS C0MPANY —Lamited Xl^©37-; tlxe Fox3.nta.i3n,s XliiCTJLgrlicx3.t tla.© Citr^I KXCKPTĪNO ONK ae Cr3rststl. XXS“2" IX. aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importers. Wtioles,ile and Ret.nl Dealers^io X , 1n© Oigrsix3, Smc3s:iiig XcToacsc, a>u Smo]sers -A-xticl©s. Agents for the Celebrated G. 13. T>. PIPES, MADE IX PAK15 »ng7 Benson, Smitli & Co., The Corner \vr DRUG ST0RE Pure Dru{?s, Pine Perfumes, Prompt Attention* Low Prices Corner Fort & Hotel Sts. *ul rr I*£- S. LEVX, Will on AUG0ST lst Remov*» frwn h ; s pr**9eot at«pe on Hotd 8tr>et, to the plac>* formerly o<jp by B**neon, Srnith <t C«>., on Fort street. Afler I 8eltl«-d it will bo lo your advant—■»ge to aole the pnce«, ele.. thnt will appear in this eolumn.

Woven Wire ! Mattresses Now. for the firet time manufac- , tured right here in Honolulu. By the «nly man outaide of the Unite«l Kingdom. who uees \VIRE. whieh will not RI ST; he haviivg 8ecore<l exclueive rigbta to uae th« game. PATRONIZE HOME INDUS- , TRY ia a Qackneyed phraee. But if yo« ■ want to buiid np a Nalion, inaue triea muat be frstered. Keep youi \ money in yoor own islands, and I | *>uy » Non-Corrosivc Solid Comfoi 1 j Spring Bcd. made in Hooolulu, whmu wiil o< t | 8AG or RUST. or. f A Ferfectina Co«. Chlld'« Cnb. Vfr«nd»n Cbair. Lounyr. Thret-Qa»r:er< Stozl* »od Foll s1k Foldlnf Wixe Bed* ART1CLES »oit-»ble to y«or elimale; PRICES «uitab!e lo Ih»tioes, as you find th«*m. F«r tfae Beet BED in the Market. ! I rec-»mmend tbe HARTFt)RI) {\VEAVB 9PRlNO BED, Trebl«- ! \Vire all tbrough, \VQVEN as fine as el Ah. Sjlid 4 ineh. M»p!e fr»rori. Malieahie C«atinge, Warr.ml*d in evrrv particuUr. Nerer yet faiied lo g!V*satiafxctioD. I nffvr these g.x<ds to the ouhlie w»tb c<>nfidence. hxring amde tbeiu fur yeare. You oao now g«t your •«7