Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TUTĪ EEKD1E8 L CCM = —• Hov«* »r* narja«4 ih»l K wU1 TV*r 'R th« Ti«ftaW« •« j>« x>.«t »1iktn «a» :«-ct Bote U11 mTT [3©*a*5. AwmnsraATioi’8 x soncs. THE U>DEBSIGJrED tppckcted T«apcr«r5 AiafaUtrt*cr o» ef Jo*sn a«i.»c Pxu (•.' Pu?4, Hoeoliia. Cfcba. ior»ni Notiot ;» boretT rtr«n t2re deceuni ;o ore*«Jl thesr cl*im» 07 M >Ttf»«c or otb«£*V*e. »3)1 «īib ih« p«oper T08cber», j| SCT exi»l lo ISk witWa »»x n>r-att» Ircc Ūk d*te fc«rrcf or tbex »01 be fcreTe.- t*rree. »ad WS per»oa» iad«trtwi lo tii- u.O <Jecra#ed »r* rrqac»t to nmke immedi*Jc p*rment *t lbe Oillee oi S. &.. S*-sb, Comcr of Kin? wxi B«tbe! StteeU, l>5lilr ' 9, K K \.VE Te*por*rr Admini»trator of lb« E*J*te of Jos«bb Heaoo Fe»«, (k) d«ee*sed. Honolal». 16, IS94 »ag 16-3»

ADMINI3TRATI0N'S NOTICE. THE CSDERSIGNED banog N*b dnlT •ppuialnl Admini«»nitHx of lbr ««t*te ot H. K (N', Ute of H»Uu!*. Koh»U, I*!»ucl of dece»*<«L So»k« is be«bT itrren to »11 creditor» of tbe decem»eo »<> p"e«ent tbeir elmim* whetb«r *ecured bf M >rtg»i{e or otberwi*e du!v autbetvdic»'ted »nd witb tbe proper roucber». lf aor exi»t, to lbe anden»ijfuēd witbio »ix mooih» from liie d»te bereof or tbeT wiU be foreTer b»rred, »nd aU per»on» indcbted to tbe s*id dece»»ed *re reque»t to make immedi»te p»yment *t tbe Office of 8. K. Ki. sE. Corner of Kin(t »nd B«tbcl StreeU. UMlaln. MRS. SAOMI KAAIHCE, Admlni'tr»lrix of tbe E»t»te of H. K. K»»ihck. dece*sed. Honolala. Augn* 14 I8U8. 3w CRITERION SAL00N. Weiland-Extra*Pale Lager Heer 2 Schoonera for 25 Cts. jy!4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r NOTICE. Io fntnre all BILLS for ucdertaking will be pay»ble on pieaeniailon. "’e are eompeliee to resort to thi» rnle, on aeeonni of tbe inabUitv to coUect tbe majority of our Cnd*rtakmg bills after fnnerals art orer, WILLIASIS BROS., ED A. WILUAM8. Manager. an27-lwd

POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Nouoe is bercb? gives to all persoz» tbmt there are at tbe (toTenuDe&t Poaod at Makiki. eix strayed horses. 1 red horee, white »pot oo the forehc*d, branded J K X on th« left hlcd lejf, poor!y condltion. 1 white horee. branded A C on the left bind leg. poorly condition. 1 hlaeK horsē, branded T on the lett hlnd lrg1 red horee, wblte spot on the back, branded J R on tbe ngbt biud leg. I white horee. bn»nd indi»cribable on the rieht bind teg, poorly coadition. 1 grev horse, white spot on ihe forehead, three wbite feet, brand »ndiscrihable on the left bind leg. Aay peraon or persons owing the»e horse» are requested to eome and tske tbe eame on or betore 12 o'eluek aoon SATURDAT. SEPTEMBER 8, 18W JAMEd KUKONA, Ponnd Ma»ter. Uakiki, Aug. 27. 18<M. ang 27-lwdly NOTICE TO Visitors. Pienie Parties, Lnans —AND—OENEKAL PUBLIC 1

At Smith's Bcs and Livery Stable, K;ng Sthket. [Adjoining MetropoliUn Ueat Uairket.] U tbe Cbe«pMt PUc« in Town yon ean get Bn»s«s, Wagoned«*, Buggi« »nd S*ddle Horses. lt will pey y-n to eall »nd eee before you tiy ei»ewhere. J5Ē“ Mntunl TelephoDe 408 tngl-tf Capt. Wm. Davles, Rigger, Stevecfore nnd W recker. ESTIUATES ASD COKTBACTS ON ALL BINDS OF WOEK

Stpanacr VVaitr«-if»alo vill ran fptruliir to Waianae, W*blnt and VVay Land ng. loqoil« (t ot J, S. WaLX£» Of»t 8prBckaI’s B*nk. (<b U-« Large KOA BKDS. fitted wiih a \VIRE MATTBESS Any si*e made to >-rder. Buy tbe BED of the Fl-TCRE, of Mrt»5rs. T. H. dc Co. Lt’d„ K jpp ,t Co.. Wiliuau I. X. L . Ōrd«ray k P«jrter, or of tbe Maker WOVEN W!RE BA!LEY, Hotel Streec. Koaoluiu, (nezt duor to Hom’i Steam B«kery.i aug 14-lm