Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Masqaerade - Ball ■ j — QlV£y BY THK lūlemalional - Schūetzeo OLUII. OLD ARMORY HALL B«retani« Street, Monday, 8ept. 3, ’94| Graud M*rcb or mroepcea promptly at 9. m. Every maeker !a reqne«ted to be on lime §o as t» make tbi? thk mabch <>f tbe eeoeon. None bul tbo*e masked will be al!owtrd «m ihe do ;• until after «11 bave unmasked. No roask must be removed ontil prizes are awarded. Anyone doing 90 will be b3rred from pr.ie eompetition. PKIZES. Just read them over, and to- i roorrow we will have them in some ; prominent store window, whieh will be announced in tbe papers. | 80 you ean eeo thtm as well; and j if you dont ?ay they are tbe moel beāut ful and *s j rvicenble that were ever given—well, eall us —. You j need n<>t be ashamed to s«y tbat _vou won thero at the Schuetz p n Club Ball; they will be a credit to you and to us. The beet of al. is, they will 1» swarded “fair and square.” The judgea are unknown and will inaae their decision while all are en mH»que. At the sonnd of a gong sl! will please assemble at the platfnrin when the winning parties will be called up costutne and the prizes awarded then and . tbere. The wiuuer must then un- j mask in the presence of all, so everyone ean s«e who wtns. I.ADIES’ PRIZES. Fibst Pbize Beet dressed lady character; A . haada. me silk dress pattetn. 8ecoND P»I2E. Second b st dresaed lady charac* | ter: A snperp alburo. Th rd Pbtze. Funuiest female chfiracter: One j Turkish ploeh rug. 4x6 leed. Second funniest feniale charac i ter: Oue half dozen solid eilver ' spoons. Be«t sustained feroale character: | The fineet pair of ehoea in town. lf they dont fit, tho jndg«8 willtell you were t > get them changed. Best :‘hard times : ’ lady costume: Fivepound bax purest French ' candy. I GENTi EV1EN’3 PRIZE. Fibst Prize Fine«t dreased male cbaracter ! Panama bat. Second finest dressed male ehaj racter: Ooe-half dozec silver : apoona. ■ Fanciest dressed mnie character: Box £ltX)J finest Havana cigars. Second fanciest dressed male char cter; One eoal oil atove. Beet ‘‘Hard Times” tUHlecharacter: Ooe btd rug. Besides the ;.bove roantioned prizeg others will be given out, at the disention of the jndges, for worthy repr*.sentations. for sale at Smiih’s ; Shoe Store and the Elile lee Crearo : Parlos. eeno and bave the hesi tiroe you e/cr r,ad on tbe Islands. Everyb>dy is iovited | from the President dowu. Pnz«u now on view at N. 8 LEVY’S Store 75 F«>n 8treet. au28-lwd

To I>et or Lense, A H0U8E on Kin£ rtr«t, next to T. R. W»Uwri premūes, cōut»iaic? p»r<or. dlnn>ug room, »nd three bedroom*. be*id«» kUehen, bathroom, st»hW *cd *U modern eoneenienee*, I«telj o«rnpied l»y Mr. Deni*on. Arte*Un water Uld. rrnt Boderate to rc* pon»lble pnrtT. AddreM ABRAti AV FER>A>'DEZ tMf g-lw J. H. TRUSOHLER. Iloot & 8boemaber. lll Fori ikir*J Rttpair’a>{, neatlv Done, balf sole «nd heel witb pegs. #1.00. Half aoie «nd be*l sewmg, $ 1.50. CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner K!KG and 6E7HEL 8l. CAJEIRIA.GES, AT ALL HOURS. Both Teiephooce No. 113. J a ANDRADE. Man*ger. iooe 1541