Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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New moon oo tbe 30th Eaio fell on the moaoUioe Ust eveoing. Tbe Board of Heallh met tod*y, for a ahoii seseion. Tbe Cooncila will probably meet tomorrow afterooon. The loeai price of Hawaiian rice stdi displ»y« an »pw*rd teodency. Tbe Holohua oatcry h*s killed tbe trafhc in iewd J*p*ne»e wuinen on Nuu&uu street. fue prevailing dry weatber mJuct8 tbe furmation of many pieuie parties to tbe moauUiua. “ , I Do not forget to read the ;?cbuetzeu ciut> uotice of tbeir fortLcumingm»squerade,inlbi8iv j sue Busiues8 is reported to be gettiug duller daiSy, tbe expected Repabūc “booui” ha8 not mat erialized. The barkentine Planter, Capt. Dow arrived m port bere yest«r- ‘ duy aftaruuon, from Laysau isl- j aud, ladeu witb gaano. • Tbe Members of tbe Uonolulu Amateur AtbJetic Club bad fuot . ba.ll aud lennia practice at tbe , Rocreation grounds ytsterday. Towse one of tbe Examining board is uow au applieaul for a poailion us poliee euplain. Tbe Scbeutzeu club are getting left. Tbe statemeut is made tbat “Aitemus Ward’ Jobu8tone o£ , tbe Star bas been xelieved from doty as correspoudent of the <S. F. t’hronicie. The Minister of Interior sbould order tbe Wuter Works Bureau to p«blisb tbe hour» during whieL tbe water supply is sbut otf daily i in tbe eity. Coulter, tbe accused bigbway robber, bas waved examiuatiou iu tbe District Cuurt und bis case bas been set for examiuation iu tbe Circuit Court. Cbinese cigar peddlers are quite plentifnl at present. £mpty i boxes of well known favonte brauds are mucb songht aftor by | tbe wilv manufactures m Tbe stockbolders in tbe Hawaiian Brtseball Association have given up all bopes of a divideud this season aud are now waiting patieutly for tbe assessiueut levy

The street-swe©ping and dust j gathering of the town shouh.i be j peiformeii in the eucly morning hs iu otber cities. At noon the busiuess becomes a nuiaanee. Tree-planting should not be lost siglit of by prosf>ective builders wiihin the city limits and esj>ecially should pr. vision l>e made therefor when laying the new sidewttlks. Ca|)tain Andrews. the acting mnrshrt1, or ever near it, committed an illegal aot last evening in the vicinity of Ihe Hotel by dischargmg a firearm witbin the city limits Xo nrrest. Fifty-on» names of Hawaiiana bave been picked from the regis ter of voters. not trtX-payers. and the owners of tbe eamea are to be CHlled n[M)n to perfom jory service. commenciog this morn>ng. Mr H. N. Castle editor o( the ddoer<iarr. with Mrs. Oastle intend to trtke an £urope«n trip in the near future. During Mr. Crtstle s al»sence. Mr. W.N. Armstrong will perform tbe dnties of 1 editor of tbe paper.

It is ivported lbat tbe old raembers of tbe liealani boat club bave reorgdnized and ib«t a nuraber o( new membere hava )oined tbera. WonlUu'l it be «ell for tbe “polilieal" Healani club to «dopt a new nnme and c«U it«eif tbe SUr olab or ihe Tima aod Macs olob >