Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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We h»re mtide this d:scoY«ry th»t vbeo tbe t»Je of tr»de seta ; 1 one v»y tbere is alv«y9 » eaoee for it Tb«t tbere are fev. t very \ fev, vho boy of os ool of eom- . plimeoi, bot like tbe dttM*. they boy bere beotuse lbey c»n do tbe best. becaase ihe vanety. the qo«iitiea «od prices *re bere aod d«fy criticism. We h«ve oot «o Uop»nlieUed Barg>io H <096 fol) of Smoke Firv iDii W»ter or Panie Prices —boi a hooee vbere goods are soid «t a prvfit to 09 —a jnst ;tud guod >aloe to. lf yoo «ant iuore Uiao that. you will bave to find some FuiUutbrop:c (?) tnercbaut vbo woold out recogniae bta goovls uovter a setrch ligbt Em ueui pbysictMDS bel ere in u freq«eut cbange of INDER | WEiK Notb»ug iuore baa sucb a dec.ded b\gieuic etTect upuu the svsleuj, or sbould be cb.«ngetl as oftcQ. Nothmg adds to your comfort more, or sbould demaud sucb eluae iuspectioo. Wa alway» tbouglit we carned abe BEST stock iū Uooolulu, aud we soow | we bave never beeo uudtrstdd. Let us sbow you our ML*SL1N L'NOEHWEAH tue tnu»unngs aloue are wortii looking »t. Sometime ago we spoke >bout j P. D. Corsets — smiles aiul eom j fort, etc. Tbe demaod for theni ciused us to ruu sbort of tnanv »izes—furtunately wa bad a l«rge order pl«ced dir«ct with tbe factory iu Brussels. Tbe goods are bere and your size is witb tbem Talking about Direct Import Htions, —it meau» the umnuLieturers profit aud our profit. Jio middle men —tbere is 8j*vii g for | you, as will beseeuiu embr«)ide red aud scolloped HANDKERC111EES l’roiu sf*200 per doseu up. EL.aNNELEITES at 8 y«ids fov $1 00 B. F. EHLERS & C0.