Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

July 34 !89L In‘ Puddenhead Wilson’s Philosophy” Mark Twain a-«ys: ‘ Put all of your eggs in one basket — and watcb tbat bas<et ” Eggs are not tbe only tbiugs to whieh tbis appliea, we ean make t 6t stoves and cbaoge eggs into do lars and make it rea«l — Invest yonr eoin in a Pansv Stove —ami the 8tove will watcb itself We have been watcbing tbese stoves for tbe p at five years, an«l find tbem the beat irou stove sold m tbis market fur tbe mooey, Wbere else tban at our store c«n yon get a stove that will do overy tbing tbat a $50 »tove wili doaad get it for $15? Eeho answera, ‘tbe plaee isn’t bnilt.’ We have sbld Lundreda of tbese stov«fs in Honolulu, and never had a eomplaint. Two weeka ago, we sold oue to a gentleman ou Hawaii, and yesterday he ordered another for a friend. Tbe stove aella itself thr'Ugh ita fuel aaviug qualities. aud becaase, it ia a good baker. You c«u get other styles of stoves if you are not particular as to the quantity of fnel yon bnrn or how yonr food ia cooked. There's no dyspepaia in mea's prepared on a PANSY.

We received last week a lot of wire cl<>tlie8-lines that h<>Ul washetl clothea withont nsing pine. It is a sort of doable wire arrangement and the pieces are held in between;the h«rder the wind blows tbe tighter the pieeea are held to the line. There is absolutely no danger of tbe clotbing being torn as there is notbing sharp abont the liue. While the cost is a trifle greater than rope, this new style will last so maeh longer that it is i eeonomieal to buy the pinlesa line.

The CLAUS8 is one of tbe new fangled s iw-edge knives th-.it outs wann bread witboot leaving it heavy aud iced eake without making crnmbs Tbere are two or tbree d fferent mikes of tbese knives, all on the same principle and eaeh one prononnced tbe best on earth by tbe manniae tnrers. We selected tbe Clauss, whieh we believe as a d.sinterested spectator to be better tban its neighbors. Yon never bad anytbing in your life that give as mucb satisfnction for a dollai. If yon were bnying the otber sorl you wonld get only one.

The favorite sewiug mnehine in any community is tbe one tbat does the most for tbe le tst money aud whieh runs the easiest In the “Wertbeim” you have a maehiue that sews tbree distinct gtitches—Tbe Loek. Cbam and Embroidery and rnns easier tban any otber maehine, and yon pay twenty dollars less for it Eeonomy gtands boldly every side wheu yun buy a W ertheim. In tucsing the ehain stitch is prcfenble, bnt in otber kinds of wurk. ihe loek stitch is tbe best if yoa bay a maehine that sews tbe loek, nnless it is a Wertheim, it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. There’s no particuiar saving in buying a maohine with but one stitoh, tbe Wertheim does three and saves yon iots of troable and work.

\Ve’ve just unpacked six cas l <s of stand lampetbat were built for hard times. Tbey bave metal basee and are decorated so as to make a very neat appeannee in a room We don’t tbmk yon ean get aa good a lamp any wbere else for tbe money, txy as bard as yoo pleaae. Onr aiook of tabla cotlery, apoona and forks ia as Urge ss yoo will find in any store in 8an Franciaco, and our piieee eempnie favorably with ihoae in New York. Tk Smui bu1vir Ci 107 r»rt 8ir«at