Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — From Layaan Island. [ARTICLE]

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From Layaan Island.

Tb« bktn« OapUin Dow, arrired frooi tb« »bove is>aod yeaterdav «ftersoon, after a 6fte«n d«\*s Tfc« ronnd trip viu made io tLe qaick time of 31 dayi The ** FlaDter’* a<iled from Honoiala oo tbe 28th of Jaly, arriTe»l at tbe island on the 5th nf Aogost, and sailed from thenc« for Honolula on tbe 13th inat. Fnvorable weatber, and the efBcient services rendered by Mnnager Freetb. en»bied the ressei to Lare quick despatcb. Nine hnndi**d toos of rock gn *no was pnt ou b<mrd in six loading days. As tbe c irgo has to be lighter ed to tfae vessel in scows that is considered g- od work, and provea thnt tbe coiupany’H manHger b«s every faeility f<»r giving vesaels tliiit iuh v g> there. qn ck despatch. In futnre, no donbt, the trip to the island will be looked upon <ts n plea8ure trip and a cbange from tbe co.»st trips. L«at Saterd.iy, the "8. G. Wilder” was sight»»d, and the “Planter” w*s bo»»rded by Capt. MeNeill. The schr. “Rob«rt Lewers” will be the next vessel to go down to the islaud. Capt. Gckxlman will now have an opportunity to bej«t the record.