Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
E»itob Holomui. Acconl'mg to the loeal papere a coocert is to he given tbis week in K-iwuinhm» cbnrob by » Mr. Br»«dl**y. As tbe pereon mention tnl is evidfntly a strenger here uod uot n tai p»ver it goes witbout saying tb*t the proceeds of tb>s coucert wiil go directly into his own poekel H«*wever let tbut pasa. Wb»t 1 i>bject lo is tb«.se so-called profes*ional peoi |>le coming here and in»tead of p;»tron zi«g onr be«uti(«l Open» Honse w«tb its att»-ntive mauagemeot rnn r>fl to a cborch aociety aod plead tbe poverty act. Wbat is tl»e Oper » Huoae for any»ay ? j 1 bope tlie cbureb will bav» tbe »iudtom«ke aomathing ool ol tuia <eating hoainea». i Eiso Sx&crr.