Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTE8. [ARTICLE]

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Baio fel) for a sbort wbile doring tbe early morning Tbe ‘ Queen” botel haa ootyet been opeoed for bosinese Tbe mango season is rapidiy approacbing iU annual end Plenty ot people patroniced tbe top of Poncbbow) on Sandsy laak Tbe Hawaiian sportsmen will hold their annnal meeting at tbe HoteI tbis evening. The stockholders of the Union Feed Co. will meet tomorrow morning. Tbe loeai sportsmen are now all moving to tbe maeie of ‘*Jobnny get your gon. M The Portuguese clnb hoase on Alh.pai street ia a political beadqaarter on Sandays. The toUl nnmber of people registered as voters, on tbe isiand of Oahn to date, is 1007.

Mi s. Alex. Mackintosb is re - ported to be confined to tbe boose by illness Mr. V. Knudsen left by tbe steamer Belgic this afternoou for San Fraucisco. Mrs. Tbirds will lecture again, on Friduy evening uext, atFoster hall M iss Dora Moeaman. witb a seleot party of friends, is eelebrating ber — birtbday today at Waikiki. Tbe band concert at Emma square last evening atructed a lurge number of trausient people by tbe Belgic. The aged turtle whieh promenades in the Foster lot on Nunanu aveuue is quite au atruction to passi&g strangers Tbe Scheutzen club masquerade on next Monday evening promises to be a well patronized affair. Tbe Boards of Examinatiou aml Registration bave now beeu in session aboat 30 days and bave cost tbe Ux - payers about one tbousand dollars. • ■ ■■■ ■ Tree-planting along tbe streets sitnated in the hot and dusty Plains should be developed by all residents in that loeaiion. The Manncrcbor Society will i bold their regular meetiug for pmctice tomorrow erening at tbe Pacific Hoiel parlor». New, long and strong telepbone j polea are being placed in position, for tbe Bell Co’s. wires, on Nuuanu street. i The Belgio sailed for San Francisco at 3 o’eloek tbis after noon. Sbe carried a small mail from here. From preaent indicatioDs it is fair tojadge tbat old Jupiter Pluwis wili soon pay Honolalu a mueh desired and Iong-expect-ed visit.

New« frora tbe Volcano indicates that tbe sight-seeiog tbere of tbe fire pit i« uow obUined ooIy under mneh difficalty. It is on dit tbat several of the members of tbe loeal Orand Arroy Post will go forward by tbe cext stearoer to tbe Coast k> Uke part in a general ce!ebration of the order at Milwaakee.

The Boaid of Healtb meet iomorrow afternooo. It is re ported tbat tbe nameroas applications tor a poeition in tbe Insane Asylnm will be considered.

Nmuum atreet from Ho(el to | Ktng street w*s lioed jesterd«j I afternoou on the £w« side, with « aea of upturued faces, ateotiou beiog directed to tbe mnneoverB ol two bird kite» whieh displ«yed hawk-like movement» ko the life. Tbe manipaUtor o( the eonneeiing iink proved hinaei! to be an artiat with » kite-etncg