Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

LADtE8’ eOLUMK.1 We baTe m*de this tl;acoT«nr tbat wben tbe tUl« of tr»de set» one nj tbere is adways • eauae for ii Th*t there *re few. * ve*y * fetr. who bay o( os out o( eompluuent, but Iike tbe nī«see». tbe>* buy bere bec«use tbey e*n do tbe best. beceuse tho v.Hnety, | tbe q»«lities anU prices «re here •od defy enticism We b*Te not aa Unpara!lelled Bargiin H >use futl of Smoke Fire *nd Water or Panie Pr«ces | —but * bonse wbere gooda are so!d at a prufit to us—a just and good v*lae to. If you want more tbun that. you will b«ve t j fiud i aome PhiUntbropic (?) mercbant, wbo would not recognize his t goods under a se<trcb l>gbt. Emment pbysici«ns bel ere in u freqneut obauge of UND£RI v\ EAK iiotbiug uiure bus sacb u decided bygieuic elfcct npon tbo 6yste«u, or sbould be cbang»HĪ as ofteu Notbiog adds to your ; comfort more, or sbould demaud sucb eloee iuspectiou. We ulways tbouglit we carned ahe BEST stock in Honoiula, and we koow 1 we biive uever been uudorsold. Let ns sbow you our MLSL1N LNDEKWEAR tbe triiumings uloue are wovtb looking ut. Sometime ago we spoke about P. D. Corsets —smiles aud eomfort, etc. Tba demund for them causeii us to ruu sbort of many sizes—fortunutely we hud u l«rge order pluced direct witb tbe fac-* torj‘ iu Brussels. Tbe goods are bero and yoor s:ze is witb them. Tulking about D<rect ImportHtions, —it memm tbe turers' profit aud our profit. No middle men—tbere is s;»viiig for you, us w111 be seeu in embroide* red .iud scolloped HANDKtKCH1F.FS from $200 p«r dozai» np. FL.vNNELElTES ut 8 y«ids for $1 00. B. F. EHLERS & C0. The White House! 118 Nuaauu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ Fir$t-cla$ l(ooraing [loū$e i IN KVERY RESPECT. Rooms froi $1-50 to $3.00 per feet . or 50c. per DayPAULLEMKE. PROPRlATOR Bt*li Tebphone 132. aeg 22 POUND .MASTEtli’S NOTKE 1 Noliee is ūereby given to all porsof»a that there are »t th- Governmeut Ponnd at Makiki, t<ru str.iyed hoiaee. 1 red maee, whiM i spot ou the furehead, br>n<i iu<le-crihablj 1 ou tbe ieg. while nght bdad kg. 1 1 red colt, white s>s>t on tbe (orebe»d, while . : nght biad Ieg. Any t<ersou wr peneiia owmng these hnnea l ara reqaested to oome and uke tb« midi' on or befora 12 o’eloek noon, 8ATUBDAT, SEPT. 1. IS»t. JAME8 KL’KONA. Ponud Mas*er. Makiki, Aug 21, 1»4. ang 21-lw. • i ; | THOM\8 f lNDSAY. ■! Manufactv.re <t J Vt,clhmaker, i , Mdnorny Biock, M Furt St. HonUlolu. t * ui » i: ;IĪ|b Wo>"Id Do I^Ol/E 1 AMD 90 D )E9 l'lie - ]Messenge* - Senrlce wbf» hive mouuted th«*ir Meaeeiigers on Columbla - Hicyclea will «ieliver P»ck >g**9 (>ip to 50 lbs, wetght) and Me98:ige8 qutck«rr tnaii by any otber iuetbud a» d t>»o. *• Dou’t be i Cl*in. M 8ave tirne and money by using ihe M*-S9enger Ser»ice. L. M. JOH\'SON. Managor Mutuai 599 Tel; Bet! 559 jy5 3m RlXG CF MUTUAL TEL£ SLt N(EPER’S Baggage Exprc*«, Uttce, 339 Foft 9L. Hooolala. U I. Bsgg»ge aud Fur»»;ture Carefully Haudied and Oelivered at Sbort Nolioe V> Ail Pnrts of tbe C:ty. Staud ou C -r. «f F«>rt A Qoeen Su. Jy» POIMLE. * A PISE MIDSIUHT ” alALLION «ott Udo»png to P. D. Ueaimn. The eott ean b* w,eoatU» PAXTUJBOS !i7ABL£ (twb to-Bcos». tL