Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

Joly24 \m. In “Paddenhead Wilson'i Phil08opby’’ Mark Tw«»ins*ys: *‘Pot aii of yonr eggs in one basket — and watcb tbat bas<ot ’’ Kggs

are not tbe only tbings to wineh tbis appiies, we ean make t nī stoves and cbange egip» into do lars and make it r«:»d —Invest yonr eoin in a Pansy Stove —and the stove will watcb itself, We have been watching tbese stoves for tbe p *st five years, and find tbem tbe best iron stove sold in tbis market for the aiouey, Wbere else tban at our store ean yon get a stove tbat will do overytbing tbat a #50 stove will doand g*;t it for $15? Eeho answera, 'tbe plaee isn’t bui!t.’ We bave sold Landreds of tbese stoves in Honolulu, und oever bad a eom p)aint. Two weeks ago, we sold one to a gentleman on Hawaii, and yesterday be ordered anotber for a friend. Tbe stove selis itself tbr >agb its fuel saving qualities. and because, it is a good baker. Yo'i ean get otber styles of stoves if you are not particular as to the quantity of fnel yOn burn or bow yonr food is cooked. There’s no dyspepsia in mea's prepared on a PAXSY.

We received last week a lot of wire cl<>thes-liues that Lokl \vashed cluthes without using pins. lt is a soi tof double wire arrangement and the pieees are keld in between;the harder the wind blows the tighter the pieces are he!d to the line. There is absolotely no danger of the clothing being toro hs there is nothing sharp about the line. While the cost is a trifle greater than rope, this new style will lust so mueh longer thut it is eeonomieal to buy the pinless line.

The CLA.USS is one of the new fangled siw-edge knivesthat cuts wanu bread without leaviiig it beavy and iced eake witbont making crnmbs There aie two or three d ffereut m;kes of these, knives, all on tbe same princi{>le and eaeh one prouonnced the best on eartb by the manufac- j turers. We selected the CIanss, whieh we believe as a disinterested spectator to be better than its neighbors. You never had anytbing in your life thut g!ve as mueh satisfaetion for a dollai. If you were buying the other sort yon wonld get only one. The favorite sewing maehine in any commnnity is the one tbat does the iuost for the le*st money ! aud whieh runs the easiest. ln tbe “Wertheim” you have a maehiue tbat sews tbree distioct stitches—The Loek. Cbain and Embroidery aud rnns eusier than any otber maehine, and you pay twenty doliars less for it Eeonomy stands boldly every side when yon bny a Weiiheim. In tacaing tbe ehain stitcb is prefenble. but in otber kinds of work. tfae loek stitch is tbe best. If you bny a maehine tbat sevs the loek. nn!ess it is a Wertfaeim, it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. There’s no particular saving io | baying a maehioe with but one stitch. the Wertheim does three | and saves yoa !ots of troable and «ork. We’ve just unpacked six cas<s of stand lampeihai were built for hard times. They have meial bases and are decorated so as to make a very neat appearance in a room. We don’t tbmk you ean get as gooil a lamp any where eiae for tbe money, try aa hard asyoa plMM Oor stock of fcable cotlery, spoons and forks is as large aa yoo will find in any sfcore in San Franciaoo, and our ptioes oompnre favorably with those in New Tork. Tte Bima HiHwm 0. m PortHtnM