Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — FAIR WARNING. [ARTICLE]
The A>iverii»er «l<«es not like llie ’‘gleaiu of seu>e ' wiiieh has been displayed iu the Holokua M srepreseutati<»n of onr st itements e nuot help the goveromeal. W’e arc simplv st»tmg. facts Will the A'!verii*er eome out opei.lv ao<l fmnkly an«l assert that it is jnst and acct»rding t-> repobltcMii ide s that the f>rtign t«x-pa\ers in this e >ontry li«ve been d<sfianc)iised whenever they 0|«?niy Iihv« piaced theroselves m op|»ositioQ t«» the repnblic ? Is it fair, tli.it men who have lived bere f>r years, nml who iutend t) ra»ke their bo«i>es here nntil death cilisthem. »re t<* be deb«trred from h miee in the ad rauiiatration <>f tbe conntry wbere tbey live. raise their fatuiiies and pay their t «xes ? We eau bardly believe that the AJvtrii*er meaiie what it says au«l coully A|«i>ear-< as the eliampion «>f n pnneiple whieh wiil deprive the g<>rerument <>f »11 semblance uf being a popuiar goveruiueut: T«>ward the alieli f>»re : gn«r. bowever, 't is n aha'le in«»re strict. hikI atte>npts to get nd <>f the anumaioiiK system wiiieh penuil t«-d the citixens of oue c<»a«»try t«< vote iu auotber. Tu m »ke a r «\Hlist grievaiice of this fact. bowever. is mere iui<l-suiuinf.r m.<d ifss As e\eryliody kuows, the C<»nstitnti<>ii. by adoplmg aueh h provisi«*n exclules fir m<»re anueXHtiuuists thau ruyalists.
8o 8Ny« tlie A<lverti*er. We fully Hgrce tiiut ue» ulien sli>«11 be entitied to vot« liHre, if, by tlie w.«y. we lemeiuhen riglitly h R«ip poHe«l |>arMgnipli to tii»tt etf ct in tiie coiist>tatiou nllegH«l to b«* j«rom«ilgHt**d bv tbe Q,ieen »ome eigl«teen or nineleen iuontlis Mgo, vh» tUo m>«»ii re«HOQ n>e 1 ns u jnst:ficatiuu for llie rev<«lntion. We sny, we f.illy nppr<»ve of tlie j»rinci|>le tlmt no nlien alinll vote. bnt wliy does tlie g«*verum« nt not tnke steps to nlloW the nlieiin liere to becotne Qjtural* ized ? TUe following parngrapb shows tbe dish(>nesty «>f tlie Adverti*ei aud liie goverumeut clique. It reH«ls: Tlie disfrnncliisernent Uowever, of sucli niiena »«s -re willing tu uhIiiihI ze, tliougii »i liHr<lsiii)>. is ouly n teinjK»rNiy oue, und »t will be rt*iu«<ve«l just ms s«»on ms tlie Govei'iiiuent c.«u negotiKte Uih ne«*ess!iry treuties w itb foreign |*oweis Th;«t ineunK, tlmt nn eleelion will go by l»efore the f«>reign tnxp.tyers c.«n register. lt uieans 11«>«t f«»r six ye«r» to eome, we are ivq«ieste«l to j*ny o«r t«xes su«l invite<i to st«y nw«y fr«>m all re|>ivs**<iitation And it also menua thnt every ituported \vnif wlio stiiiVation brouglit into tbe ritnLs of the revoiutionary pnrty s*>me nineteen inootlis ngo, «ili hnve the r ght of exerci«ii<g the j«rivilege of m voter, »«lthougli, they uever h>«ve i«nid one cent in tnxes, or in nny other wny ideut-ifi.-d tbeuiselves with tbis coontry.
Tiie .4</t>erfiNfr m«y eall tlie just grievMiic« uf the knnNNĪOHa Uere tbe result of mid sanimer m;«d;«ess L<*t the comp«ct nuderstmid thnt there is method iu the m dn«*ss, mod thnt theexper;ence whieU wili l»c f*»rced uii it. wili be too de.-«rly bougiit fur >tu ownwclf«re Anglo-SMX*ms nre soinetimes slc« nnd neeepl nd inauU witU toiemble pNlieoee. b««t no ua«csionNry enu rub il iu ou tUefo. And w« «re uot Ieuviug lue coUDtry y«t
A ntmber of corresspoodents h«ve ea !cd f»r apaee io our papt*r t <dny. B*dieving that the puhlie pross is the sarest s ifety valve of the »vcr.«ge Angi»-Six»n and hie tm.tjti««g brcthrcu iu Hawaii—we h«ve optmed our colatuos f»r fcheir «taam-lett ng purp >aaa. May