Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ET MAOHINE MADE POI! F\CT RY KALIHI. T»ro Pl*nt9, Frwh Tops »ad T*ro *t *ll tim«. • Ring L’p Muta«l Te!ophooe 577. Bell S4A W. L. WILCOX, jy-25 Man»ger. £6JJ£KRVISL JJH0K cur.xxk or Nnuanu and Beret*ai*5treet*. 361 /— Both Tilkpho>k»;-n 561 GOOD. RELIABLE oto jy27 tf CIVIL PRIVER9. Gust. A. Mauen, HAWAllA*' HOTEL BARBSR Ladi(s Shavipooing a specialty. Honolnlu. Chas. T. Gulick notary public For thd Idiand of Oahu. Agent to Take Acknowledgm«nt« to Labor Contraote. Agent to Grant Marriage Lioen■»es Honoialu, OaLa. | Agent for tbe Haw'n IslandB oi Ptrr A Scott s Freight and Parcela Expreee. Agent for the Barlingtoa Koute M EMe Braker aatteral Arqt Be!l Tel. 343; Mat. Tel. 139; P O. £ox 415. 0FF1CE; Xo. 38 MERCHANT 3treet Honolnlu H * - - : Woven Wire Mattresses Now, for thc first time manuiaotured right here in Honolulu. By the only man outside of the United Kingdom. who uses WIRE, whieh will not Rl'ST; be havit.g secured exclusive rights lo use the same. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY is a backiieved phrase. 3ut if jou war.t to buiid up a Nati *n, industrie« nooel be f)8tered. ' Keep your mon»y m your own and buy i Non-Corrosive Solid Comfoit Spring Bed. mnde in Mon »lulu, whjoa will n< ! SAG or Ri ST. or. A Perl(fc»k>n Cot, L'hiM'i Cr.b, Verse<Uta Ctaalr, Lonnge, 8i oeie and F«Ui 6ize. Fotdiog Wtre

ARTICLES 9uitabSe to yoar eMmale; PRICES aniub!« to the a» yoa Snd lhfto. For Resr BED in tho >Iarket, fī rec'mmtnd tbo HARTFORD j WEAVE SPRING BKD, Treble j Wire «11 through. WUVEN »• 'fioe m cloth. 8olid 4 n.eh 'īip’e fr«tore. Mal!e«ble I Cs9<!ng9, W «rranted in every peri ticu!nr. N<-r*T yet failed to gtre I offrr l'r.vs« g . de to the ouhlio j «:th corfi lenoe. hiTing made tbem j!or \>ar9. You ean n«»w get yoor | vcry L* rge KOA BED8, ffited wilh » WIRE MATTRE8S. ' Any h'z». rj«d** (o order Bu| the BED of th« jFl'Tl’RE. f jJ"»srs. T. H, Dayi«a Co LtU. rl.,pp Jt Co„ WUHama Cr»;«.. I. X. L. Ōrt]way & i or of tbe M »ker W0VEN WIRE BAl’ the / H >t*l Street, Hon dtor to Hom’a Steaoi et, Hono> '■ Ste*!a '