Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company. M. REIS ii JC. QUINN Capt. Win. Davies. Rige:er, Stevedore nnd W recker. E8TIUAT£S aNO CONTBACTS ON ,VLL KISI>S 0F WOBK. Sletmer tV»itn*.nvk> will run regulrtr to W&innae, W»5nlu»-*nd| Way Land ng laoniie »l o»oe o( J. 8. Walxx» ot« Bpreckei’a B»nk. f#b !<•*. Removal ! Sa*tace Oo, —- HAVE MOVED TO Morgan’s - Auction - Rooms for a short ttme We »recrUt »eilin(

Departure Bay COAL CUARCOAL. AI.GERoBA jnd KINOLINO WOOL' 1d my qnut!t? Bt>th TelaphcsM 414 »nc

T. Murray 1« Yet to t>e Foand On the 01d Kt«ad, 5io. 41 Klug Ht.—KIU OoiineM ai CARRIAGE AND VAGUN MNMliili Groe» On. Wheu tbe -PEOPLES’ PARTY” gets amaaheU he 1 i will be ready to I B£PA1R, PAINī AND TB1IIT At a Rea8ooable F.gure. — No Extra Charge for Furnisbiag tbem witb Oommoo Seose LET THEM R1XG UP MLTUAL IELEPHONE 57s Jt21 |lq\ZiJqy &co, Wl]ole0ale Wiqe \ Liqaoi< ūealei^ 19 Nu:i>nu We woq{<1 eal! y.>nr «uenlion lo Qor -’peeial Brand« Longhfe <% Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg 8eer \ * q 2 )Q CA£AS >r bott:e8 F0R S*LE •' REHT. M f 1 Pianj>, 1 Orgift aod Scwiog .eiioe >nquirc of _ «.». anei BereUm« Strw>t