Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MACFAKLANE A C0 I)enlrrs in (TtMl and SpiriU w nhnamiii Stnet, HenainlOH E MctSTYBE A BR<J , (>BOCEBT FeED 8tOBE A BaKEBT, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honi»lnlo 4. PHILL1P8. PHArnCAL PLUMEEE, OAS.FITTEB X)PPEE-SMrTH, Hoos€ and Ship Job Work Promptly Execnted. So. 71 King Street. Honolnln. Dr. MeLENNAN. Fort Slreel, above Hotel. Mutual Teiephone 682. f<»r offlce; 287 for residence. jy28 ED. C EOWE. House Sign and Oinamenial Painter. Miinufaeture of Liquid S!ating. 620 Kmg Strcel. nugl LEWI8 J. LEVEY. Keal Estate and Geiieral A uctioneer. .oro«r|jFun *n<l Qu«*on Stroet«, Honolnlu Ponional attenti<»n given to Sales of Fnrnitnre, Real Estate, Stock and Generei Merchandise Hntu<l Tel*ohonc 23S II. L08E, Xotary Public. CoUec(or and Generai Business AgevL Pateviee of Lose’s Chemical Compoi nd for Glarifying Caiu Jutce. Sub-Agevi for several oJ (he Best FIRB INSURANCE C0JS. Malnal 'lelephow ». P. O. P>ox 338. M«rchjuU Honolniu. “FAT BOY." BA¥H0RSE'Ē! 8AL00N I P. MrINERSY, Puopainwa, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Coa.vnt Hethel avd Hotm, 8ts>, Honolulu Carriage Manufactory \V W WBIGHT, P«OPK«Toa, (Saoccs«or to G. CARR1AGE BPILDING *5D KEPAIHINU. AU Onlen> from ihe Other I»l*nd. in the ("*rri«fv BuilJinjj, Tnmiuioe »nd P«lnting Liae «m Mrrl with Pn»mpt Attention. Bl*rk»ailbing In All lU V*riou» Br*ncbes Uone. P O Bux &J1 No* 128 *nd 130 FVrt 8tm t J?I9 Ij

W. S.LUCE Wine aud Sr>irit Merchaiit OampMl yir*rpnof Block, \fBHCH VNT8T. HOKOVXLU. PHINE8E COXPjl.\T. 335 Bom TklepHi>xk» 335 Hnek 8tand. Corner King and Maunake* S'rwU. Haek» at All B»ars. jy27 Anchor-:-Saloon - ' i ■ 9 - Ex ‘.\USTHALIA, ’ AuoUicr lnvoice of the World Renowned FREOERICKSBURG UGER BEER Ou draoght «nd by tbe keg. Aiao, a.« a Specialtr\’, Small Fresh Caufornia 0YSTERS. FOH COCKT-AII^S m*yl 3ow