Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
=====- "" —- ■ JL •'«. ■- INSURANCE, FIRE AND MAHINE THE UNDERSIGNED IS AUTHOBIZED T0 TAKE FIBE *kd MAEINE BISKS ON Buildiners, Merchandise, £lulis» Carsoes, Kreights and Commissions At Current B-ates, iu the Following C'os. xamely; BOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, L1VEBP00L. ALLIANOE ASSURANCE FIRE <fe MAHINE, LONDON, WILHELMA OF MADGEBUBG GENEEAL 1NSURANCE CO. SUN INSORANC£ COMPASY, SAN FRANCISCO. JT. S. WAI .KER, “Agent for the Hawaiian lalanela. D*DWAT & PORTEB, Robinson Block, Hotel St., heiween Fort and Nuuanu, Have Jnst Efceivid.iei I ele Air)valB, tl;e i ctt Siccl el F UE N1TDRE Ever lmported to this Coantry, CoTnprising Handsome Carved Bedroom i$ets ln Solicl Oak, and of the LA TEST DESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WIOKEH WARE, Beaut fnl Des gns "f Wick°r Ware, consist ; ng of SOFAS, CdAliiS. KOCK.ERS, etc.,vou ean get these in sny FINISH you desire. OHAIRS, Countless numbers of CHAIRS. in eveiy style, inc)uding 0FF1CE and HIOH CHAIBS. EXTEITSI01T We have had a nu»uber of calls for these Tables, with CHAIRS match. Wo have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL D1NING ROOM FURNITURE £VER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffonier» wDIVANS.^ D vans covered with PORTIERS are becomiug quite the rage in plaee of LOUNGES -we m.«uufacture them to order, and have a laige stock of PORTIEKS to sel ct lrom. beddhtg-. Gre;<t Assortment of \N OA EN W lli£ MATTR£SSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, W«*ol and btraw Mattresses ou band and made to order. UVE GEESE FEATHERS >u.d SILK FLOSS for Pil!ows. CRIBS. CRADLES. etc. WlNDOW SHaDjlS of all colors and siz<-s. COR.vlCE POLES, in wood or br«ss trimmings. Be ZE B=>-A. I K 11T G-. M*ttresses, Loungea and all Upholstered Furuitnre repaired at r>-as0nable n tes. CABINET MAKING, iu all its brauches, by Competent Workmen. MATT1NG LAID «Iid lut rior Decorutn.g uuder the Snpervisiou of Mr. GEOKGE ORDWAY Our Goo»ls ;tre F rst C1 >ss, and <>ur prices are the Iowest Come ,md be e >nvinced —a tri:»l ia 8 «licited. Bell 525. TELEPnoNEs: Mntum 645. OHDWaY «fe POĪlTER, Hohiuaon Block. I»twemi Fort and Nnnami Tklkphones: Bell 351 417 Residknce: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F.?B. THOMAS, G0NTRACT0R and BUILDER hlst imates Griven 011 AIl Ivincis OP KRiCK, IIMN, ST0N8 i WOOOKN BMUIK AU Kinds of Jobbing in the BuUding Tr*de # Attended to. KEEP9 KOK 8ALE: 5ncE, Lame, Cemeot. Iron Stone Pipe aud Fitting8, Uld A New Corrngated lron, Mmtoc»Tilee, )uarrv Tilee, *88orted ftite» aad colore; „ , * 3 Oalilmiu» and Monterey Saad, Grenite Curbing w*d Biuek*. i Corner King €t Smith St«. OPPIC£ V AJtD: < Office Hour», ltOuM„ ( oaP M«