Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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iun ied3U3. WIL L cruo C*s*rrt. Ctt»9, iii 9* n j t pt>T&la. «ad P1 «t iu tM »ocW fcw- ... Hx« m Kt<rutM4 tfc»t 1: wtU t»r» u««»r TMt •:* V is«>; ~e *t n <*» »ttkis ta« re<«4 o< *3- sr an. C. G;.|otr«r. IM Kta| *W — .-s»r H.rtoonT Asrni8mTtor8 « xonci. THE rxDESSĪOX«D Aw& Tempor«r« AteiaiJtr»tor «f Eeeiūē of Joura Pkla, *»** P*s<m. Hoooiila. 0»ia. iecMMd Nmk« » bereirr fflT»n to «H cr«litor» of th< 1ri r>»«1 to prē«rat t>eir c1ub* *b*tber «erttred Vort»£*. or otbcrwt*e 4alr saUvrodKSted iaivkk lh* prop*r if i8« <i»t to tbe aad<r*Urts«d »īthia «il ncD.tr frca U< J*tr t»*reof or tb*y wfl3 be fcm«l t»rred; «od «Jl per»oo* indebte«l to tbe }«jd <Jecci**d «r< re«ioe« to n»k* !■ Q«diitc p*TnK*ct it toc OlflcT oi a. K. i. .. Coraer al *nd MH !l«*. °«* S ~ s t uo. Teapi>r«nr AdnunL»tr«tor of tb« E*t*te ol Joeebb Heaoo Pele. (k} deee«*ed. Hooolnla. Aogn*t 16, X!W »a« 16-5» AOIIINISTRATION S N0TICE. THE UNDERSIGNED n»Tln« been dalT »ppotDied AdmiaUtntris of the f*t«te of H. K. K«aihl'C (k), l*te of UaUuia. Kob»l«, l»l«nd of U«v«ii. dece«W. Noliee is hereby eieeu to «U credltor9 o( lbe decv*»ort to p-esent tbclr eiuia» wbelb«r «ecare<i by M'*rtg»ge or otberwi»e duly «ntbendio«ted «od with lbē proper Tonxrber», lf *ny eii.t, to the nnder«Voed wilhln »U monlha from tbe d*te bereof or tbey wtll be (or*Ter b*rred; «nd «U per*oos mdebted to tbe «ald dece»sed «rt reqae*t lo ui«he immedi»te p»Ttsent »t tbe Office ol S. K. Ka-« Corner of Kinjj «nd Betbol Streela. UpiUin MRS. NAOMI KAAIHUE, Adalni»tr»trix o( ihe EsUte o( H. K. Kaaihie dcce»*ed. Honolalu. Augn* 14 IbVS. 3w. ■ 1 ■ ■ ' WANTED. Three bright Hawaiinn Girls to sell tbe famou3 VIAVI REMEDY. Apply at the olfice of tbe Viavi Remedv on Kiue Str©et. aug6 _______________________ CRITERION 8AL00N, Weiland-Extra*Paie Lager HEer 2 Schooners for 25 Cta. jvl4 I.. H. DEE, Prop’r >^OTICE. — In futnre all BILLS lor undexl»king will be payable on pre»entation. W« are eompeliee to re«ort to this mle, on aeeouu: of the inability to collect tbe majority of an Undertakmg bills after the (nnenl ia oeer WILLIAM8 BROS., ED. A. WILLI\MS. Manager. an27-lwd POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Notioe ia hereby given to aU pereona tbat there are at the (»ovemaienl Ponnd at Ma kiki. aix strayed horaes. 1 red horse. white spot on tbe forehcad, branded J K N on the !eft hind lQf, poorly condltion. 1 wbiu* hor*e, branded A C on the Iefl hind leg, poorly condit!on. 1 b!ack borse, branded T on tbe lett hlnd 1 red hor»e, whlte »pot on the back, branded J R on the ngbt bind leg. 1 wbitc horse, br«nd indiscribable on the rĪKbt bind leg. poorly condition 1 grey bor»e. « hite *pot on the forehe»d. threc wbite feet, br«ud indiscribsblc on tbe left bind leg. Any per«on or per«on* owing these borse* *re requested to eome and t*ke tbe «ame on or before 12 o’eloek noon 8ATURDAY, 9EPTEMBER 8, IS(* JAMES KUKONA. Ponnii Master. Makiki, Aug. 27. 1894. ang 27-lwdly NOTICE T0 Mm, Pienie Parties, Lnans —AND—GENERaAL PUBLIC! At 3mith ! 8 Bc6 asd Liveby Stable, Kino Stbeet. [Adjotning M«trcpoliUn Meat Uarket.} 1* tba Cbe*pest Plaoe in Towa yoo ean get Bnts«s. Wagoaeōea, Bagg;« »nd Saddl« Honea. lt will pay y-*n to c«U aod «ee heloie ron try els«wbere. Motu*i Teiepbone 408 angl-tf J. H. TRUSCHLER, IJoot Jtc Shv>emaker. 111 Forl Sirtei. Repairing. neatly Done, nalf soSe and heet witu peg&, 11.00. Haif so)e and heel 9ewing 11.50. an7 CITY CARRIAGE C0. Comer KING and BETHEL 8t CAKRIAGE8, AT ALL HOUH3. Both Te'«phooe« No. 113. J & ANDRADE, Maanfw. june