Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 ʻAukake 1894 — Masquerade Ball GIVEN BY THE International-Schuetzen CLUB. [ARTICLE]
Masquerade Ball GIVEN BY THE International-Schuetzen CLUB.
01 DARM0RY HALL Beretama Street. Monday, Sept. 3, ’94 Graud Marcb ct mmeneea promptly at 9. Everv iiia9ker ie rrqtieet«d to be on time as to make tbia the march of the aeaaon. None but ihoie masked will l»e allowtd <m the floor unlil after «11 have unmaeke»!. No maek muet ba removfd until prizes aro awarded. Aoyone doing so will be barreu from pntc eompetition.