Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — A Deluge. [ARTICLE]

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A Deluge.

Somebody left a water-tap open in tbe printiug office o! B. Grieve last nigbt. Tbe result was tbat tbe musio department of tbe Hawaiian News Company part, wbieb occupy tbe lower atore of the Gazette knilding waa dreucbed aud iujurv dobe to tbe amount of about |d00. Tbe fine | pianoe of the Company were not 1 injured. and aoyoue desiring a , re«lly first class instroment ean S procure it from tbe Newa Com- i pany at a very reaaonable figore. Tbe road building * boom ’ whieh tbe goverument is propoeiug to inaogurate wili mo«tly be partaken in by prisonera, as tbe ; worfcera. I™■ — ■