Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — CORRE8PONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
Editob Holomui Iftb«OoTernmeDto{ tbeUoited 8tates ba* reeognīied Doie i Co’s bs»Unl republic. wby is it cot pobliftbed t for tbe becefit of Doie s h»lf doseo brave meo »nd who coD3titute the ooly foilowing thia {*mily compact. miaaioo* ary, by tbe gnce of SteTeos and old cracked WilUe, republic, haa ? Furtbermore, the Hawaiian people wbo have beeu patieotly waiting for the redress of tbeir wrongs as weil as reliei frcm the despotic role of tbeir oow miaak>nary maaters, woald like to see tbe text of tbe recognition fally publisbed if any recogn:tion at all bas beeu received. Tbe fact of tbe matter is tbere bss heen no recognition, tbe aotograph ietter of President Cleveland to Dole, is simply an acknow!edgement of Dole’s announcement of tbe formation of bis LilipuUlion repoblic, and tbe minister in his address distinctly
sUtes that botfa tbe execative and legislative brancb of the United SUtes Government have recogoized the right of tbe Hawaiian people to cboose tbeir own form of government Now, if tbis sUtement of minister Wilhs is correct, how incoQsistent it woald be for bis goveromeot to recognize such an apology for a goveroment as the Dole & Co., oligarchy forced on the Hawaiiao people by the arms of the United States, and whieh is opposed not only by tbe whole of tbe Hawaiiau people, bat by a vast majority of tbe foreign residents. Tbere is notbing whatever in tbe letler from Cleveland to Dole to warrant tbe statement that this missionary oligarchy hasbeen recognized by the United States. The right oj the people *f Huwaii-nei has bven recngni:ed to cboose tbeir own form of government; tben let tbem cboose it. Now ia tbe day, now is tbe hout. Hawaiiaj».
Editor Holomua. Allow tne to eall attention to a statement made by Minister W T illis iu his address to Dole on the presentation of President Cleveland’s autograph letter in whieh he says: ‘‘It seemed proper, therefore, so far as I, the Diplomatic Agent had the right to extend recognition to the Republic of Hawaii, it having been crcated under the forms of law existmg without effective oppoaition.” Is there any justice in such a statement in the face of his own aunouncement that during the pendency of the investigation by the United States no disturbance would be ailowed etc., and any foreigh interferenee would be considered an unfriendly act; if this is Ameriean justice, and if this is the return Hawaii is to receive from Amenea by the good will and friendship, she has always extended her, the sooner we realize it the better. Are the Hawaiians to be made slaves of by a few missionary and Dutch hirelings? Xever! Kamaaina.