Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Band <H)Dcert at E nma Hqaare. , Thc W. O. liali will l»e du« tomorrow .-»fteruc»oo. Tiit; Arawa Ieft fcr Aostralia oa .Satarday at miJoigbt. Tbe Iwalani leaves this afternoon for Maui aod Hawaii. H iWaii.n “repoblic" Bsnd at Emma sqoare tbis evening. Tuc men fr -txi tbe HyaC.ntli attende«l service at tbe Catbedrai yestcrday. Sugar is quoted at 3:28 The price is goo<l bnt there is very ; !ittle sugar. Sans Souci and Long Brancb enjoyed a large patronage yestcrday. Free sogar isn’t felt y®t. Bt*rger's uew waltz, dedicated to beautifol Waikiki, will bc played tonigbt for the first time Minister WillU cal!ed «t tbe government building tbis moiu- i ing at 11 o'eloek by appointment. Mrs. Galloway delivered one of t her interestiog lectures to ladies this aflern«>on at Harmony H ill A nninLer of workmeu arriveil * on t!ie Aniwa The will be em p!oyed on tbe Oabn Kailroad Line. | Major Wodebouse and fami!y will spend tbe wiuter at tiie Ehrenwohn cattle statiou iu | Kula, Maui. Saperintendent Rowell bas 1 raade a thorougli examination of tbe pi!es belonging to the governmcnt on Kauai. A proraiuent youug wielder of ! quilland fe.ithers was subpoeuaed j this raorning as a witness for the , defcusc in the Frenc!i • l tonrist’’ ! c.ise. rresident Dole retmued from Molokai yesterday. Tbe valiant Nimroddestroyed four deer wlnlo bnuting «nd hefeelavery “game’’ m 1 agam.

L. J. Levey will sell the furnituro of G. O. Nakiwama at auetion next Friilay at tlie iesiileuce | of that gentleman oq Palaee Bqaare, Tho countoss of Glasgow shook | hamls with our onlv Bergor last | SaturJay aml coniplimeuted him for his fiuo baud concert. They haveu’t got auything like that iu Austra1ia. Arthur Wilder took a “header” from the Bonuie Duudoe and got wet. Fiahiug and sailing on i Suudays always meet a just reward. Why dou't tbey go to church ? Tho Freuch “tonrist’’ oase is on trial this afternoou. A number of wituesses have been snbpoeuaed. V. V. Ashford is defending the fair touristsand their m ile escort The appointment of a new eiuployee to the position of S9perintemlent of the insane asylum will probably be gazetted this week. Captain Hlemme is one of the applicants. Grcek George alias Dr. Hatzopolus, the aileged strong man shook the Houolulu dust oH his feet )ast Saturday and proceeded to Au$tralia. The ‘shaking” didn’t produoe an earthquake. C. Hammer cbarged with malicious injury in poisoning a dog belonging to Q. £ergenson aud valued at $100 was commitked for trial bv Jndge Bobertson last Saturday. The trial Jasted all day aod numerons witneases were ealleil. V. V. Ashford ap peared for the|prosecution and C. W. Ashford for the defense. Williams Bros remind the pabiic in another eolamn that the saJn iss of a foneral is only exceeded by the grief of paying for the frtends. The “departed** ney. r remembers that liitie formality; ihe collector for Williama i Br js. wiil.