Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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|PANTHEON SALOON, FORT AXD HOTTL ?T* Healwanen Eil6fjrae Ennniii Ci. ■\ , j Largest Con3«gnmeDi of Beer that ever arnved here, no:r on Draught jyM J. DODD. Pn>p'r PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. iui»i;rv ud loe Cream Parlors! ii OR m 1863 T...r 1894 P»i isr «uctical 1 COXFEC T!ON KI! and ORNAMENTER In all hraurht» o/ ike btuint»t vu tke»e itlamU. Auonoan. Eueiinh. Grnn»n *ml Fn-ncli PASTR1ES M» !v to Ord.'-r I BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKK Made ol th« Very Bc»t Mat>-nai aod at Keaaonahle R»!m, Famiiy Graham & Fancy Bread Al<cay» on ALL €«*FF€TIO*KHV Manufactuml at My E*tabll«hment Are 4iu»r»D:ccU to be r<>*ltiTc!. Pare aod Sold ut Priccs uo othcr .->t» i'Uu- nt ean eompeU- with. FACTORY AND STOKE. No. 71 llolel Street. Honolalu. Both Telcphonea No. 71. jj'A5 Club Stables Company, $. F. (}raham, Manager 4--Livery and Feed Stables. : : FORT STREET, hekween IIotel an<l Beretania Sfreet3, Honolulu. Boih Telephot.es gJtT~ 477 Jy23 I m £ong Branch -8ATRmGEstablishment. Thia Firet-Clada Batbing Re»)rt has heen enl*rge«l and i» now opea to the puhlie, lt ia the best plac« on the ielanela to enjoy a Batb. anū there ia no better olaee to lay off. Special acc.'>mtnodatioDS for Ladies. Tramcare paaa the door erery half hour, and on Saturd*yr an4 3undays every fifteen miuuiea. C. J. 6HERW00D, jy24 Proprietor. Ernpli*e SaIoon, JAM£S OLDS, Paopa:rrojt: pins Wix\es, Liquors. Bee? ALWA5 on hanx>, Coroer Nunanu auJ Hotel Streew. B«U lalaphona 241. Poot OOoe BoX.107