Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LADIES’ eOLUMN. When the irade Sik1s time to donbt onr &sseriioos aboat f«»!w aml pricos. bot one conclosion ean be fonned. and lhat is tbat we are setting thepnce on prices, as well *? doing tbe business. ♦ Tbere is an old prorerb that ‘what is one man’s loss is alwa}’s another man’s again.” We are going on record and cbarge it to < what b yonr gain, by trading with ns, and ours by increase«-i bnsiness —is the other man’s loss. So down we go from day to day in prsces. There is not a dnll coontcr in onr Store; we have gotten out of the old rut. The days of large profits are over. Eveiy day it will be something now and tempting in slyles and prices. We oan't mention bnt a few artiolcs iu this eoluinn, bnt wish to impress yon that if you want aoything iu our liue you eau get it at KOCK BOTTOM FRICES and a guarantee the gootls are as represented. If you boy tbose Turkish Towels of ours yOn will surely pray for min. They are so different from the eheap things offered as Tnrkish Toweis. Cash bought these so tbat we ean sell them at just as iow a figurc as the eheap . gocnls are offered at. A handsome PCKSE is a very deceptive thing. It almost always creates the impression tbat there is money in it, and so tbere is, if you save on the purchase price ; by buying of us. We struck a snap in our purcbase of PURSES —and will give you the benefit of it. They ruu from 25 cents to perfect beauties iu Keal Alligator and Russiau Seal with Sterling I Silver Mountiugs. I PARASOLS Inte*est yon? Look all over towu for just what you wanted — beg pardon, you looked every plaee but here. lf yon had you wontd have seen, Ladies Smail j Carriage, Black Sateens, Black Gloria, Silk Serges, Navy Bluo Silk ; with Dresden China freal) handles, Black Silk Natural Stick handles, ctc. AIso, a fnll line of Men’a ineh Silk Umbrellas. No fancy pricoa on thes.' g ods. B. F. EHLERS L POUND MASTEUS NOTIGE Nolioe is liereby given to all iiewoii» that there are at the dovernment Ponnd at Makiki, t«ro strayed horses. I red man>, white i spot on the torehead, brand in<lescribabb ' on the leg, white right hind kg. 1 red colt, white spot on the forehead, white right hind leg. Any penon or penona ovning lhese horses ' ore reqnested to eome and take the »aaie on or be(ore 12 o'oloek noon, SATĪTKDAY. SEFF. 1, 18W. JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, Aug. 21, ang. 2J-lv. TUOMAS LlNDSAY. }{nnn/ficture JewUr «t* ]Vuethmaker, Mclnernj Block, 4U5 Fort St. Honolulu. ao30 Tlje WūPld Do iy[0VE ASD SO DjE3 - Nessengep - who havo mouuted their Mes8en2ers ou Columbia - Bicycle^ They will deliver Pack.iges (up to 50 lbs. weight) and Messagee quicker thao by any other method &cd cheaper too. “ Doa ? t be i Clam.'’ Save tirae and money by usir.g the Mcasenger Service. L. M. JOH.N*SOX, Managor Mutoal 599 Tel; Bell 559 jy5 3m UP MUIUAL TELE. 312. NIEPER S Baggage Expre8a. 2» Fort St„ Honololu. JL I. Baggage and Furniture Carefuliy Handied and Delivered at Short Noliee to All Parta of the City. Stand on Cor. cf Fort & Queen Ste. Tai WoWing Kee Co. 91 NUUANU STKEtT Dealers in Ladies’ A Genta’ Boots and 8hoes made to order. EUBox8C7