Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 ʻAukake 1894 — IT'SA TOSS UP [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
I Sometiraes where to go to porchase any particn!ar article, but not if yon happen to want any- | tbing in tho line of £>upplies, Pictoe prames, or enlarge«l portraits, ibere is bat one plaoe in Honolaln, to »nrobase all materials, anJ thal’s KING BROS. ’ S'ore, for whieh there is no rival on those Is!ands. Tbe finest paint:ngs in Hawaii, are on exhibition in this gal!ery. The firm makes a specialty of en)argiug portraits as well as making pictnre frames in tbe very latost styles of monldiugs. I In the sheet piciures. they j have tbonsands to select froo> of | whieh they invite an inspectioo at any time. KI3STG BROS, HotelBtreet, r : : Tl .nolalu aug. 2ō-lmd y.