Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAII’S “ BLUE” LAW8 C0XSTITI:T10X aml LAWS Fraiued bv the Missiouaries. . LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Tbia law sball go into eri'ect on the drst day of Soptember of tbe cnrrent year, at all j»laces in this archipellago. All tbe words of this law baving receivetl tbo sanction of tbe Honse of Nobles aml Honse of Ropre®entativos. wo have Lerennto set onr uumes on tbis seventb day of ifay, in tbe year of onr Lord one thoasand eigbt hnndred and forty one, at Lahaina, Mmi. (Signed) KAMLHAMEHA IIL. KEKAULUOHI. CHAPfER XXXIII. LAW RESPECTIN« A8SAULTS. Listen ve people of all lands. tbo bigb aud the low, for no man will esoape who disreg.irds tbe words borein written. 1. Tbis law forbids qnaireling. If two persons quarrcl and oue strikes anotber with his fist or anytbing else, but witbout bnrting him mueh. ho shall be fined six doll irs as in case of riot. If a severo wonnd bo intlicted, tbe fiue shall be incrcased, even to tbe fartbest extont, proportioned to tbe injnry dono to the wonndod person. 2. If one way-lay anotbor by uigbt or even by day, orgo slyly to bis plaee and nttack bim by force, aud commit an assanlt npon bim. or strike him, or give bim a blow witb the fist, nnd yot do not kill bira ; or if iwo porsons raeet eaeh other in the street and one ose violence on tbe otbor, on acoonnt of somo previons ill will, and do bim an injury. all tbese criraes are alike. If any man Jo eitber of all thcso tbings, he sball bo brongbt to trial and of conviction tberaof, shall be bauisbed to anotber couutry, tbere to remaiu for the terra of fonr years. Bnt if tho jndges discover somo roitigating circumstance he may diminish tbe nnmber of years, or snbstitnte a fino of raonoy, of from one to fivo hundred dollars. according to tbo raaguitude of tbe otfense. If this law be proclaimed in any village or district, tho day of its proclaraation shall be tbe day of its taking etfoct iu tbat plaee, bnt even if it ba not proclaimol, it sball uevertbeless taKe effect at all placesin tbis archipolIago. on tbo first day of September of tbe cnrrent yoar. All tbe words of tbis law Irivc been approved by tbo Honso of Nobles and Houso of Roprosentati%os; aud wo have tbereforo subscribed onr names to tbo samo, oa th : s tbirty-first day of May, iu tbe year of oar Lord ono tbousan l eigbt bnndred and forty one, at Lahaina, Mani. |Signed> KAMEEAMEHA III. KEKAULUOHI. CHAPTER XXXIV. LAW BESPECTIXG LEWDNESS. Tbis law forbids lewdness. A man and woman who are not married according to tbe laws of tbe laml and sleeping togetber carnally, they are lewd persons. and according to this law shall be condemned and pnnisbod, as specified in the following particulars: 1. lf a man commit a rape npon a woman. making nse of force u{K>n her, because the woman does not assent to his solicitations and actnally bave eamal interconrse witb her witbont the consent of the woman, tbe fiao of tbat nun shall be fifty doll»rs. Bnt if tbe man tbns committing a rapo npon a woman bo a rnan of distiuction, oi a man of property, or if tbe woman be a person of distinction, and tbe crime of the man bavo apeeial aggravations, khe judges may increase the punishment of tbe man thns h'ghly criminal, and if the jndges tbiuk best tbey may banish him to another land, tbere to dwell for fonr years, or they may puk him to bard labcr in a prison, at tbe discretion of the jadges. 2. If a man by violence attempt to commit a rape npoo a woman, and tho woman by fleeing, or by her stroogtb. or by making an ontcry, or by the aid of unotber escapes, so tbat tbe mao has no eamal connection witb ber, he shall in that case be brongbt to trial, and on conviction thereof, sball be fioed to half tbe amooni of tho man who actaally eonanmmaleo tbe crime. In all cases of panishment for lape one fourtb of tbe fine shall go to tbe government, and three fonrths to the assaulted woman. 3. If a man go secrstly to tbe plaeo of a woman while sho is asleep, for the por[)oao of having eamal couuectiou with ber wilLoui her consent, that is the same as rapo. A man that does this shalt be bronght to tiial and on conviction thereo{ sball be pnnished iu the same manner as in caso of vape mentioned abo\e. - Conlinwed.j Be(To