Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUCE CARTWRiCHT } oC a F.dncj*r> N*«re Tr*n*arted, I’rompt auenlion gtTen to the m*n*getoent of C tarJiaushjp». Tmsta. etc.. etc., etc. Ojj'uyj>, : Cn:itrright Buibung, Merchant S«Ket. Honolnln H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Prōvision Merchants 'Js Fort Strovt - ]l. ; noir.i.’ Fan>iiies, Pi:»ut;itū»m an<l Ships suj»plio»l with choicest Ruroj>ean .1’ .1 men'ean Groceries C«liforoift Pro.luco by Every Steamer. .\ Ie rc lian t Kxc liai i<re Corner King »»»<> Nunanu Strrets. S. I. 8:IA\Y Proj»rietor. TUe Finest se!ection ol LIQUORS nn.l UEKU. sol.l anywliere iu the town. Fin»t-i'ia«* tttteudauco. Call and judge for yonrself. no 113—tf. LEWIS & C0 Whoiesaie snd Retali Gro AXD PllOVlSt()N DEALERS. FRSSR CAUFORNIA 3ALM0N ON ICE By Every buu Francisc<} Steamer 8alt SalmoN ix Babuels a Specialty. /// Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P O. Sox 2Q7 . CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Melnerny Block. JOBBERS OF WINiilH, and SPIRITS KENOLUN, PH0T0GRAPHER, aud Pauahi Strect*. Cabinets, 13.50 Per I)o8en. “ 2.00 Per 1 2 DoEen, 8x10 *'),50 Per Poaen. “ 3,50 Per 1-3 Dozeu. l)ry Goo»ls and Chinese Silks. (lation&l lron Wop^ Qc<£KX Stbest, Betw66D Alakoa & Rickard Sts. TliE UXDEB8Ki\EU j»wpRn.d to make eil kinds of lron Bnss, Broa*e, Zi&e, Tin and Lead Cwsting». Also 6«nenl Bep*ir 8bop for Steam Engiu«s, Kke MiUs, Corn Mdk, \V»teT Wheels, Wind MilU, etc. YLu-iuaes tor the Cleanisg ol Coffee, Cnstox Oik, De*B«, Eamia, āūal, La»ve» k oth« Fibnja> FUsts, i AaJ P»per Suk k AIx» M*ohines for £xtncticg Sttrrh fra» U*e lUaioe, Amw Hooi, etc. t3F AU Ordtn promptiy atteoded to. ’ ... WHITE, R2TMAN CO.