Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFAliLANF. A CO Ikalem in Wine* and Syirits j t K-iahaniani StPW-t, Hooolahi. H. E. McINTYRE A- BRO.. {( OnooEr.T, Feed Store <fc 13akebv. j Corner of Kinp; nml Fort Sts.. Honoluln ( J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLUMEEK. GAS.FnTEB j X)PPEF.-SMITH, Honse nud Ship Job !Vork Promiitly Executed. No. T1 King Street, lionolnl i l)n MeLENNAN, F‘>rt Street, ahove Hotel. Mutnal Telephone GS2. f>r olllee; • 2s7 t*or residence. j}'28 I :i ). e ROWE. IJov*e Siyn and Ohuimeniai ! Painter. M.muf.<ctwre i>f I- ; quid SlaUng. 020 King Stre<i. angl • — LEWIS J. LEVEY. Ūeal Estate and Oeneial Auctioneer. aui Qup€U Str?< ts, Honolnln l’onwnal uttouti»n g ven to S:ilos of Furnilnre, lloiil Est:ite. Stock and Oenerpl Merchandif»e. Mntnul T<-lei>hon<* ‘233 # II. LOSE, N otary Puhiie. Colkclor and Gcncral Bnsiness Agent. Palenlee of Losk’s Chemical Compound for Clarifying Canc Jutte. Sub~Agent for several of the • Pest FIRE INSURANCE C0S. Mntu»i ’l'elepUooe ». P. O. Hox AA3. Memhoul 8treet, Hoaolnln. “FAT B0Y.” BAY SALOON 1 P. McINEBMT. Peopriktor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Cornkr Pethel axi> Hotkl Sts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory \V. W. WRIQHT, PBOPBirroR. (Successor to G. West). ! pARRIAGE BUtLDING asd REPAIRING. j V/ All Ordcrs from the Other ls!»nd? In Uie 1 C*rriagc Buil<lin)T, Trimiuio<: »nj Puintimr Line hIII Meet with Prompt AttenUon. Bl»ck#mithliur in AU lts Brauchc* Done. P O. Box 321. Nos. IJ3 »nd 130 j Fort StrvH*t. jyl» ly W. S. L.UCE Wine and Si3irit Merchant CampbcU Firt'proof Uloek, MERCHANTST. HONOLPLU. | CJME£E eOMPA S F, 33’» Both T*i.epHoxf.8 335 Haek Sland. C*>rnor King and ! Maunak«a B peots. Hacks al All 1 ! Hours. jy27 Anchor-:-Saloon Ek “AUSTRALIA,” Another Iuvoipe of tUc Worid Iienowned FREDERICKSBURG UGER BEER On draugLt and by Ihe keg. Also. as a Spccialty, i * j Small Fresh Caufo>rhia 0YSTERS, FOU COCKTAI mayl 3ms