Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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GONSALVES' Alhnn Kwp» oo lh»J » 5app*y of U« V«rr Best Piooeer 8oap 1= C«M of *)„ 4i 50. « *ad ro B»r» neh; _ THIS S0AP IS THE Piaest Iaported Hers. SPECT.\L PRK ES F«>R 5 CASBS IX LOTS IKLEl' i dlPS Celebrated Brands of SC0TC H WII1SKEY 0 .Y<MWy: BHX ALDOCHLAN. Ainsley’s OLI) Blended CIenlivet GLE ,M0N Extra, Special eiENLION SPECIAL LIOUEIK SC0TCH \VH1SKEY. jr*3 h\ (x E K TZ , BOOT and 8HOEMAKEK ! Repairing Xcatly Done. Oppo«ite the Club Slablc«, Fort Street, aml \rill be glad to sec hii oM frienJ«. my“ tf X T K 13 ! UL*RNlTLKE. DISHEi OLASSWAKE. r eioek». Watche*, Jcwclry, OIil Gc\l.l aml S*ilver, aml erervHilng bom;ht anJ #olil at III King Street, cofner of Alak.a, j\-'T P. O. Box 209. 405 N uuanu St. 8. YASUM0RI, MERCHANT TAILOR. Dealer in Japanese Goot; 'ook» anel Sltoes of Japanct ake Cheap for Cash, New t* Gs bv Every Steamer. j>’ LEE SUAG KEE, 49 KING STREET. TINSMITn. am> OEALEK IX GLAS8I ware, Croekerv, Coal-Oil Store«, 'V ate Pots—Plumbing iu All Its Knmehea Faith fnlly Execute»I. jy!8-ly

Y. LUM SING, Dealcr in Frnits and Groceries. Kresh Frmts by Every Califoruia Steamer, FIresh Island Batter from Hawaii- 135 Fort Street. Coffee Roasted- P O. Box lG'j Fresh Island Protlace, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the Gity. jy21 Sl\u 1CEX ki:i; TINSM1TH and DEALER IN T1NWARE. Piping Laid and Rvpaired. All Orders Prompt!y Attended to. Chargcs Very Moderate. C*ll and See U?. No. 222 Maunakea St., ilonolulu. ' jy*20 Im « ITOIIA>V’ |VPOBTEK a>d DEAL£B IN OENEEAL I Maehuuliw, EachisiTely of Iiiiumm Huoiactsn — WHOI,FSAI.E 3c KLI.UL. aad 306 Fort Str««:. P. 0. Boi 116 Mulaal T«le. 592. jylS Xew Japan X£arkot. SG7 Mnumkea Str<et. Fresh Meat ou Irs 4 Poand 25Ct». SūgckI, Manager. augl CHIN KEE. H0R3ESH0EING SH0P, Maunakea A Pauahi Street. K«v set all roeod $ 1 50 Okl c«t *11 round 1 C0 Next Door to 5o. 5 EagitM Uotfe*>. ««»1