Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Fire, Life «& Marine INSURAJMCE. HAHTFORD FiHE IXSUHANCE C0». AsseU. $ 7.1C9,?25.49 LONDOX-LAN'CASinHE FIRE IXS. CO., As8tts. $ 4.317.052.00 THAME8-MERSEY MAHINE IXS. CO.. Assets. $ 6,124,057700 XEW YORK LIFE INSURAXCE CO., Assets. $137,499.198.99 C. O- BERGER, Geuent! f >r the Hawaimn U’m.ila, llonolulu E, McInjy^ e B^o IMPORTEHS AXD DEXLERS ĪN Grroceries, Pia >visions AND l^eeei, % EAST eOHNEU F0RT & KING # STS. New Goods Rcc'd By evory Packet frora the Eastern States anJ Emope. Frcsh California Prodace by everv stearaer. AJ1 onlers failhfnllv attended tn, aml Goccls <lelivered to any part of the city FBEE 0F CHAEGE. Islaud Or(lsrs Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ()ffice Box N >. 146, Telephoue N«». 92. Post THE H0N0LULU_ S0flP H0USE. • Sells the rerv bcst nualitv of S0AP at por 100 poumls and 17 bars of 25 ,ands honest vrelgl»t for ?I.L*.». OEP.MAN BLŪE CASTILE S0AP, nianufacted bv Grans Bros., Mannlieim. G« rmauv, at 10 cents per pouml. TOILET )AP*rctail at \vl)olosal;- priees. SOFT SŌAP in tins of 42 pounds. *I.2.V STEAKIC WAX MIMN6 CANDLES, manufaotnred t,y tbc Emrev Camlle orks t,"f e'iuoinali. Ohio. 12 Camlles for 25 eents. , KIAWE EIKE WOOl), *I0 i>er cord. The samc cut in blocks of 12 inches a t any qnantity from #1 np. Dolivered free of c’aarge lo any part of thecity. 1 \\VE CHARCOAL at 4» cents a sack. Kiehmoml. Va.. CEDAR \VOOD POI PAlLS finished with bra.-- hoops. Small r.e 50 cents; largc size 75ccnt- Empty Vinegar and Wine BARRELS as water ceivers ut ?I. KITCHEN SAI.T in sacks of It>i) ponmls, 50 ets TABLE SALT given away. IIi2hest cash price paid for HIDES, SKfNS aml TAl,L0\V. TiTrEE (o) PACKAGES, containing 30 BOXES of TOKIO PAULOK MATI1ES, only TEN CENTS. X- BREHAM^ N£utual Teleph )ne 314. Bethel Street aug9

P. 0. B x 4S0. Mitual Telephoxe 245. Tlie Clieapest Plaee on tlie Islands to Buy New and Second Hand Fnrnitnre IS JVT THE CORNEH OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoiulu n. i.

CHOCK LOOK, Merchant Tailoi% Xo. 48 Nuuanu St., Honoluhi. A finc a»sortxncnl of Amenean. Eneith anJ Scotch cloths on h»nd-First-cl»«s fit gn»r*nteed. Oolhe* Oeaoo.1 anil Kep»ircJ. Siii£r Loy Merchant Tailor, Dry Goods, Men and Ladtcs$ Shocs. So. 407 &ing Street» n«*• ‘Uolomn».” jnlr 5 Y le.K - CHAX, dkju.ek IX Jj8n’s Fiqe Fnfni?liing Fin8 T»il‘*r;ng Fine Chineae and Japanese Hindterchīefc Noa. 31 h> 33 Nuu»nu SL H<*uolulu, P.O. Box 253. jyo