Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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FIRE AND MABINE| - ■ | THE UXDERSIGXED IS AUTHOBIZED T0 TAKE F1RE asd MAEINE RISK< ON — Bnilding:s, Merchandise, H nlls Carsoes, Kreights and Commissions At CuiToiit Eatcs, iu the Following Cos. kakelt: ROYAL INSURANCE COM \SV t I it; KPOOL. ALLIANCE ASSi?RANCr FIUK A MAEINE, IX»NIX>N, WILHKI.MA OK MALX.Kr.:ii(t OENEK\L 1N8URANCE CO. srv 1NSURANCK CO>!i’ANY. S\N FK\NCISCO. .J. H. WAl KEK, i;t f'>r the Hnwaiiau Llands. 0RDWAY & POKlEIi, Robinsou Block, Hotel St., helween Fart and Nuuanu, - Have Jnst Ecceivul. yer L»te Anivnls, tl:e j > jf.e>t Flcck cf fL R N1TURE Ever ImpOrted to t!;is Country, Comprising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom oets In SoIi<l Oak, and of thc LATESTDESIGA'S. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED TO THESE SETS: WICKER WARE, Beaut;fnl Des!gus of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS. ROCKERS, eto., you ean get tliese in :»ny FINISH vou desiro. CHAIRS, Countless numbers of CHAIUS, in every sty!o, iucluding OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. E2ITEITSIOIT TABLES, Wo havo bad a number of calls for those Tables, with CHAIRS to match. We have now iu stock the raost BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURN!TURE EVER SEEN 11F.RE Sideboards and -:- Ohiffoniers X> X "V A. 3NT Divaus coverod with P0RT1ERS aro bocomiug q'iite Ihe rage iu plaee of LOUNGES —we inanufacture them to order, aiul havo a laige stock of PORTIERS to select from. beddhtgGroat Assortment ofWOVEX WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool aml Straw Mattresses 011 band aud raade to order. 1,1 VE GEESE FEATHERS «nd S1LK FLOSS fur PiPows. CRIP»S, CRADLES. etc. WIKDOW SHADES of all colors aud siz s. CORMCE POLES, in wood or br»ss trimmiug3. BS B TT.GK Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furuiture repuired at rcasonable mtes. CABINET MAKING. iu all its branches, by Competent Workmen. MATTING LAID and Int-rior Docorating uudor tbo Supervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods :>re First Cb»ss. and our prices are the lowest Come aud be couvinced —a tri:d is solicited. Bell 525. telephoxes: Mulnai 645. ORDWAY ā POBTER. Robinson BIock. between Fort and Nmunn Telf.pho.ses: BeU 351 ( |Mutual 417 Kesidence: Mutual 410 P. 0. Box 117

F. B. THOMAS, f CONTRACTOR and BUILDER £2stimates Griven on A.1I Kinds BR]CK, 1R0N, ST014 WOODffi ilLOK All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradc # Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE: Bncs, Lune, C«meut, Iron Stoue Pipe and Fittings, 01d Jk Kew GorrngaU>J Iron, MintoniTile8, Qaarrv Ti!ee, assorted aieea and colots; California aud Monterey band, Granite Curbing and Biocks, etc.. eto. 1Corner King cft Smith Sts. OSce Hours, b to la M., t to 4 P M.