Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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FOE SiLE. A nSE " SCOXI<;iHT STALLlOS ««* b*4->asn»g to P. D laeohwn; Tbtf «rOt c«a bt ««fi At tbe PAKīKEOK STAELX fr&ai to-zacjru». ,j The White House! 118 K uoaoa Avenue, HONOLULU HAWAMAN ISLANDS \ Fir$t-clagg i(ooiDing [ioa$ !\ SVERY BKSPECT. Rm fria $1-50 tō $3.00 per Veet or 50c. per DayPAL’L LKMKE. pro?r:ator 0fll Tel*-p!r»ne 132. aug 22 J. H. TP.USCHLER, I }oot & Shoemaker. lll Fort Sireet. I Repair'ng. neatly Done, nalf ■ sole and heel witb pegs, il.OO. | H i!f so!e nmi lieel sewing : S1.50. :i iw i 1 CITY CORRIAGECO. i C-*r*ier K!NG a d BETHEL St. j CAEEIAGE8, AT ALL HOUU8. Te'ei>iioiie8 No. 113. J. S. ANI>RADE, Manager. j :ue 15-lf. N0T1CE TO Pieaie Parties s Lnans (JEN T EUVL P17BLICI M K I 2

At SMlTH’a Bcs an'd Livkry Stable, King Street. [Ai1joioing Me(ropolitan ileat Murket.] ls the Cheapest Plaee in Town yon ean get Bnsses, Wagonetie«, Boggies an«l Sa«l(lle Honea. lt will pay you to eall aml sec hefore you try elsewhere. Mutuul Telepbone 408 angl-tf T. B. Murray Is Yet to be Poiiik) Oi| tl»e Olil Stand, Xo. 44 Klug Nl,—Hi* Basine»<« as CARRIAGE AN’I) n m mumu Goes On. £T When the “PEOPLE8’ PARTY” gets sniashetl he will be ready to m\l> PAINT AND TR1M IT At a Reasonable Figare.— No £xtra Charge for Farnishing them witb Common Sense. LET THEM RIKG TJP MTTUAL TELEPHONE 572. jy2I«nt

LO^iJOY*CQ. WjjoIe$BlE Wiije \ Oealei^ 19 Kuuanu Street We would eill yonr attention to Our Special Bmn^ Long/ife Pure Cream RYE WHtSKEY. ff$dericksburg Beer ao2 tn caska or bottiea