Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Io (tttare dll B£LLS fur undeu.-ik.ng wOl be pafdble on pre«eu'.ation. We are eompeliee to re»ort to this rule, on eeeouu» c( the iaat*iHty to oolieel the tsv>nty 'ot an Uudertakmg bilis af»®r the fsaeral is over WUJLUMS BEOS., * ED. A. WILUU!S. Mma»r nn27lwd POUND MASTER*S NOTICE. Heitxse ts berebv giren te all penona ihai tber» an at the UoTenuneat Pouad at Makiki, six atnjed honiea. I reii hone, whUe apol on th« forehead, bnnM J R N on ihe left kiod icr, pooeh (OlillMM. 1 while horee. brtndeJ A C on Ihe left hinJ leg ; poorir eonditk>n. 1 hlaek hone, bnaded Ton ihe lett hiod 1 red hone, while #pol oa thc haek. branded J R o« tho nght hinj !rz l whlte hone, braoJ lndt*cnbabio oa tbe rtj*hl hiod k<. poorir eoadi!ion l grer borsv, w hile spot on the forrtod. three while feet. braad iaUaeiihuie on the ieft fciod 'eg ' Any phnon or penooa owiag the*e hore«* are res«wted to eome aud Uke tbe «ame oe 0r beforv 13 oeloek aoon SATU8DAY. SEPT£MBER a, 18M. JAM£S KUKONA. Unsūr, 37. im. »sg 3?-lwd]r