Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
tThf 2tolomua (f!alcndar. AUOl ST 27. 1894. 19 20 51 «2 23 21 23 V — *!L* 21 — JrV>n 26 27 28 29 .T0 31 30 F««r.H; > n«ll, SKKVI(T,. }»tearfisLif>» wi!l leave for xn<) arr ve •n)in fi*n rr»noi»v, an<! othcr foreign (x>rt*, ob or >*l*mt the follo«ring <i!) the eloee of l.S94. I t*rr Bosolclt Dre *r Ho.voiclc «>r H»v F*. fi.is Vravnsa3 OR V*.¥COCV«R ■ >R V*%oorve«. Auvlra!i« Jnti*23 Anatrali* Jnne 16 Monowai Jnne2S Arawa Jane23 Wanimoo Jnlv 1 Maripo<* July 5 An*t?alia Jnly21 An»tr*Ii»..., Jnly 14 ,\Ume<i» Jn!y 26 '•V«rrimoo.. .Jn!y 23 ,Ar»wa Ang. 1 Monowai....,Ang. 2 An*«r«lia Ang. 1H Ai,>tn»iia Aug. II Mari{Kma Ang. 23 Amwa Ang. 23 Wumuoo.... fiept. 1 Alame ia.... Aog. 30 A i»trHiiR....S»f>t. 13 An*tralia Atqn. 8 Monowal,...8ept. 22 w arrimoo.. .lept.23 Arawa t)ot. 3 i!aripo«ia !.ept 2T An«trfiij i Oct, 10 Aaalmli» Oct. 6 Al*tii«*la IH. IS Arawa Oct. 23 Warrimro.... Kov. 1 Monowai ....Oct. 25 Aa«tnlia ...Kot. 10 Ao»tralia Kov. 3 vrv*t;L> it port. RAV*L VKW<ia!<. H I? M S IIyaeinth, Muy. E-«jnmalt, B. C. MKRCH* VTR EN. Bk Allert, OrifiRth*. San Fr«ncisco. Atn liktne S K < <«*tje, Hnbbard, San Fran. Ger bk Senta, Ti«£uaun, 1 iverpool. Schr W STa]bot,Rluhnm t Kewc«atle K S IV. 088 Australia, HomileU", S F Bk R P Kithct, Morri«on, S F. Bk Aletandra, B«rliel ', NeweaaUe, K S W. Am bk KIikītat, Cutler, I’oil Townsend. Ani bk Auiy Tarner, Warl«ml.Kew \’ork. l’oHI II.* VMKIM E*PETTED. Ain bk W S Pheljw . .Gray*s Uar... .Dne 8cbr Allen A SF 'Mah) dne Schr Rol»ert Lewers... (lr.iy‘H'b’r Dne Br *hip Ormara Kewcastle... .Aug. 20 Schr Hailie 8 P iKah).... Ang. 20 0*088 Belgie Yokoh*ma Ang. 21 Bk C D I3rranl ..!.. S F Ang. 22 II MS S Marit>osa,.. .Sydney.... Aug. 23 lik O K \Viloox... .Middle«borongh. Ang25 CASSAr»wa Vanoonver... Aug. 24 O S S Al«tnoda S F Ang. 30 CA 8 S Wanimoo Sydney Ang. 30 PM88 Chin« Sun Ftan. ...Sept. 3 Bktnc John Smith... .KeweaiUe.. Sept. 4 tier bk l’aul Iuenberb. Bremen .. .Kov. 1 Bark Konten)ieck Liverpool. ..Kov. 23 Two liule Kittens one «tormy uight, Beg«u to quarrel, and then to flght, One ha<l a tzx>nsa, an l the efherhad uoue This wau the w«y Ihe quanel began; SevenUvn \ 17) burs of ooap for $1.25. JN. Brehem Mnlnal Tel. 314. ang 22ud. Wo will iill be thero. Where ? Why, at the Sohoutzen Club Masquerade liall Momlay, Septcmbcr 3, 1S91. Evciybody is goiu£. Are you ? * If Yovr Hokse or Dog s sick seml Ihoiu at on ,, e to20ō King Strcet. Tho ouly Veterinary Infirmary in thc Republic fully equipi*cd with modern appli«i ces and skillfu!l altendants. augl-ltn J. J. Williama the well-kuown Artistic Photographor is making a specialty of portraits ou Watch l)i;tls aiul Silk Haudkerchiofs. Completo sets of Lantorn slides Uctnres eau be bad at thegallery. For they aro sold at a reascnable flguro by the dozcu or by the huudred. * NOTICE. All i*ersons are hereby notifi d and eaulioneU that anyone c«' ght shoot.nS gsme oi any descriptīon or trespassing on auy of the lands bciongiug to the uuders : g ted on this Is'and, will be |>romptly prosecuted. [Signeil], J. I. DOWSETT. ’ Honoluln, Aug. 2ō, lw d (Il^UlI I I I —0F THE — {i*Wj\IIJ\N l^LA|ilD0. )N PROBATE. lu the uialter of tbe e*tate ai R>wx M»lTRko, lat« of Hou ilulu Oahn. <Joea»e<l. io«*tate On lh« rcadit)g aud flling Ike peUUoa of MKfi NAXCY HĪILLMAN of aaiJ Honoiulu, *lU«iag th»t Ko*e Molleno of «ai.l ilonolnla. died lnuwlale *t Uonoiulu, on the *tli dat of Kcbrvt«ry. A. D. Is94, anJ pravlng that l*tt«Tt of Admioietralion kaoo to 'hcr, «aM N«oc< Hllllman H u ordered, that on FRIDAT, tbe 2Dt 4»v of SE1TEMBER, A. D. InM. he *od herebV U *ppulnted for h«*ring eai-i peilihw, in thē cooriroo<u ot (hi- Coarl, al Honolnla, *t whk-h Ume and } .l«ce *ll pn.«M C«orerar<i sa*T *p|i«*r and aiio» (*■ t»hY »a«! i>ctitk.u «ho«M D*U-d līoaolule H. I., (RO.Lt> F. IVvkr«OK 2C-3wdly. <«•■ U any Utev have, oei U- gr»aied. Aor »». A D, tSM. BY1»!E COL RT