Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Some Good Shcoting. [ARTICLE]
Some Good Shcoting.
TUc iiSe tu;itcl> heUeeu tlie i i two regular militar>' ci/mpaaies t Eau.i F i and Toiuntecr eon>paay j (D) t*'Ck plaee iust Saton)ay at Mnkiki. Corupany E made some very good sbo.4ing and beat its ; compfctitors ehsily. Tbe volnaleers were uot i» it. Tbe f ■l!ow- % iog is tbe i llieial scjre: Coara>T E. ’ C>ptiun Goo>l 5— 415555555 4-47 Pnr«u Hij*ud544435434 5-41 “ — 444444444 4-40 ** Cari*en—45444444 5 5-42 ** Bacbacan—5 44544444 3-41 1 Cc>rpc-r»l Schaeffcr—34 5 354344 5 40 ■ PriT»te Oowen—444453544 5-42 Lleniwanl King—454344 5 44 5-42 Sergeant MoOre- — 5 4 4 5 3 4 2 5 4 4-40 CorpomJ E1«k»— 554543554 4—Mj 4*21 CoMr*!<y I>. PriTate W. J uuaon — 4344444 5 4 4-40 •• D. < rozier— ' 434444445 4-30« •* Wikd.in.ler—4 5 5 5 0 4 5 5 4 5-41 C«i>t«iu Wildcr—4 5 3 4 5 3 4 2 4 3-37 Priyatc L. J.>Uaw»a — 4 4 .1 4 4 3 4 5 4 4-39 Cor[x>r d Cix>xier - 454554444 4-43 Priv»tfc Dexfer—444344 444 5-40 Hull—444444444 4-40 “ Clay—4544444 5 4 4 42 Buyd- j 4444444244 33 395 CuMPANV F. Li«atenaut Burget—334434445 4-40 Priv«te Dush«Uky — 443 5 44444 4-10 Sergeaut JifcKeague—343344 2 34 4 34 * * CoA—3 3 4243444 4-;C Private JoIiuson—544544544 4-43 8ergeaut Wells—444453454 4-43 Private 5Ieyers—3 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4-39 ] ** Vullbvrg—445344444 4-40 1 “ Frie<lei's<lorf— | 333443454 5-38 1 * Lienteu«nt Ludevrig—5 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 4-44 | 398 | Lantai Wai Sing Eee & Co. publish a trespass uotice in tbia igsue. The merry-go rouud will be opened to patrona on Saturday eveuings only. i Tbe obnoxious vines whieh baye 90 loug botbered pede8trians * on tbe Ewa side of Emma street j bave been removed. Tbe tree-planting, whieh uas beou inangarated by sorae people on t tbe line of TLurston avenue, 1 sbould become more general. Tbe Belgic arrived orf port j bere early tbis morning from the i Orient. Sbe briugs no later Jefiuite news of tbe Japan-Cbin- 1 ese war. Tbere wiil be a great celebration at Col. Jim Sherwood’s tomorrow the anniversary of the birthday of “oae of the people' beiog the occasion.
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