Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The AdveHi«er toJay wauts a commi&&iouer appointed to tr»vel tbrougb U»e world and ascertain if railroads aud otber means of commonication and transporta* tion sbould be in the control of the govcrnment or of syndicates. ibe mornifag pa)>er always wants somebody appointed and drawing a salary. cannot see any eartbly reason to waste mony on such a oommissioner. TLere has been enough written on the subjecl and the experieneds of different couutries witb diderent systems ongbt to be snfEcient to convince onr wise men snd le'nelatnres, what is the mosl advantageous to the country. At present neither the governmeut or prirate mdiridoals are inclined to build railroads. A disoossion M this date vrcnld be froitless prematnrc.