Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — LATEST ADVICES. [ARTICLE]

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The Anwi arrived this morn* ing from Victoria B. C. Sbe brings oews np till the 10th whieh says: COMPLETE PAIH'KE. \Vashingtcn. Augr.st 16. Fonr i memheni o( tbe Hawaiian C»m mission, who eume hcre to secure 1 rcdre»s for Qaecn Liliaoka’ani or prevent tbe recognition of tbe 1 new repnblic, le(t for Houolaln : via San Francisco. Their mission i was a comploto failnre. lt is understood that the |H»ition taken by the State dopartment wa» tbat the United Statesoffered 1 to restorc Oaeen Lilinokalani on ' I grauting gencral amncsty, aud , whon sbc refuscd, the administra 1 lionconsidered the relations with ; t!ie Queen terminatcd. LHINA AJTD JAPAN. There is very little further • uews from tbe »eatof war. Japan ; has so far eomu out victorion». ; TLere aio 60,000 Japauese troops \ iu Koroa. The greut powers have j taken sides in tho war. Rassia I and France are favoriug Japau ; whilo Great Britaiu and Germauy j give tbeir inoral sopport to j China. Tho City of Poking left j for VokoLama with a heavy caigo j of provisioos for the Japanese ! Government. GlTLLOTINEI>. | Smto Caosario the assassin of; Presidcnt Carnot was guillotinod ; on the 16th inst. He weakeucd , and was carried to the scnffold, a trombling wretch. EREE 8UGAB. l'he tarit) 1»i 11 has 6ually passed ; uud >n now waiting for the Pre»i- i dent’s siguature. A special bill 1 plucing sugar ou the freo bill was | passcd by tho Souate finance ' oonunittee, accordingto a Wash- i ingtou dispa(ch of the 16th inst. I Tho bill w«s finally passed, ihe | vote sUnding 32 to 18. There 1 was greal commotioa in commor- j einl circles, aiul those interested ’ iu Iho sugar industr}- elaim that thoy «re ruiuod. Ills V.\CAT10N. 1 ho Presidont left Washiuglon [ on the lGth inst. for New York, en ronte to Buzzard Bay, where ■ he will remain for somo time. His phvsiciaus adviscd him to go 1 to his favorite resort. TUE OAHLE. fhe Canadian Governmeut iu f the Euglish Press calls a for pro- j posals in rogard to the lnyiug of a oab!o from Victoria to Australia According to tho latest advices the cablo will nol tonch Hawaii.