Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MACFARLANE A CO. Ikal er* in Wina and riU ; w».>itiin»na Siraai, Houohilo. H. E. McINTYRE A BRO., Grocebt. Feed Stobe k Bakebt. ( ' Corner of Kiug and Fort Sta.. Honololu J. PH1LL1P8, PR\CTICAL PLUMEEK. GAS.FTTTEB f ,X)Pl'EB-SMrrH. 5 Honee and Sbip Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 Kinp Street. Honolnla. Dr. MeLENNAN, F«>rt Slreet, above H«>tel. Mulual Te«ephone 0S2. f«»r offlce; ■ 2*7 fpr reēidence j>’2S 1 :u. e I !OWE. H<m*e Sign and Omamenial 1 Paluter. Manti£acture of Liquid S!atmg. 020 King Street. augl ] LEM'IS J. LEVEY. Keal Estate and Genaral Aucttoneei'. Coruer,Fort an.i 8traets. Honoluln i Peiaonal nttention givon to Sules of Furnilure, Real Estate. Stock aud Goner«l Merchandise. Mutna1 T«Oeolione 238 {jQSE1, NTotary J-*ublio. C*lkdlsr and General Burineu Agent. Paieniee of Lose’s Chemical Qompol'Nd for Clarifying Cg.]ie Juue. | 8ub-Agent for m'eml of the Best ( FIRE ĪXSURAXCK COS. -1 Mntnal ’i’elephone ». P. O. Box 338. Mercbant «treet, Honolnln. “FAT BOY.’‘ I 8AL00N I P. MelNEKNI, Proprietoe, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beef. 1 C„.waE BaTHEL ASD HOTKL ST». : : Honoluiu Carriage Manufactory € 1 5*90 āEĒ&L' W. W. WRIQBT, Pkopewīok, (Snce«e*or to O. Weet). pARRIAOE BLTLD1NG asd REPAlRlXO. i v AU Ordcrs fro«n tho Other Islands in the C»rrias< B'.iildinr. Trimraing and Paintiwt ' Line »ill Meet witb Prctnpt Attenticc B!*ckMnithlpr ir. -U1 It« Vanoa# bnmeh« Qose P- O. Box SSt. No*. 128 and 130 Fort Strect jyI9 Ij W. S. LUCE Wine and Snirit Merchant mpbdl Firt-proof Block, MERCHANT 8T. HOKOLULU. C ! PI]'iESE C7fflfflH6E COMPAS r, S33 Botii TklepHo.nes 335 Haek Stand. Corner King and | Maunakea Sy-eet8, Haeka at AU flonrs. Jy27 Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” ; Anotlier Invoice of the Worid Renowned FREOERICKSBURG UGER BEER On draught and by ihe keg. Also, as a Specialty, Smau Fresh CaLIFQRM4 0YSTERS, BX)K COOKTAILS mayl Sau