Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Fire, L>ife & Marine INSURANCE. HARTFORD FrRE INSURANCE CO.. Assets, $ 7.109.825.49 LONDON-LANCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO. f Assets. $ 4.317,052.00 THAMES-\fERSEY M.\RIXE IXS. CO„ Assets, $ 6.124,057.00 XE\V YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO., Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, lieueml Ai'enl for the Hawahan Is’anda, llonolalu 1=1. E< MdMjY^E * IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Grroceries, ]Provisions ANI) l^eed, EAST CORNEH FORT & KING»STS. New Goods Rec’d fjy pyeiy Packet froni tbe Eastern States and Europe. Freah C»Iiforr?ia Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, aud Goods delivered to any part of the city FREE OF CHARGE. Island Ordors Solicited. Satisfactiou Guarauteed. Post Offic« Bot No. 145, Tele>.hone No. 92.
THE HONOLUUI_ S0AP HOUSE, 8ells Ihe very best qwality of SOAP at f4.50 per 100 pounds I" bars of 35 pounds honcst weight for f 1.30. GERMAN BLL E CASTILE SOAP, manufactiireU bv Grau» Bros., Mannhelm, Germany, at 10 cent* per ponnd. TOILET SOAP retāll at wholesale prices. SOFT 80AP in tin* of 42 ponnds. fl.35. STEARIC WAX MINiNG CANDLES, manufactnred by the Emrey Candle Works of CiucinatL Ohio. 13 Candles for 25 cents. KIAWE FIRE \VOOD, f!0 per cord. TUe same cut in blocks of P3 inches lomr at any quantitv from f I up. Delivered free of charge to any part of the city. KIAWE CHARCOAL at 40 cents a sack. ' J >'-hmond. Va.. CKI>AR WOOD POI PAlLS finished with brass boops. Small sjze‘30ceut.. īi»e *5cents. Empty Vinegar and Wine BARRELS as water re e iciTCHEN SALT in sacks of 100 ponno>-,io«<.8 TABI.ESALT given away. Hhrhest cash price paid for UIDK8, 8KIN8 and TAnLO\v. THREE (S) PACKAGE8, containlng30 BOXES of TOKlO PARLOR >>Alpply TEN CENTS. aV. BREHAx\I, Mulual Telephone 314. Bethel Street augtt >’: 0 B < 48') Mdtoal Iei.epiione 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Fnmiture IS AT THE CORNER OF King & Huuanu 8ts. II X L Honolulu . H I. ,y20
CHOCK LOOK, Merchant Tailor, No. 48 Nuuanu Honolulu, A fiac a*sortnif nl of Anwioa, EnelUh xad fk>Uv> oo Gowl work w® ® . « Ootk«« CkmmA B«p*irwL Kwong Binff I/>.V Merchant Tailor, Lhy Good», Men and Ladiess 8hoes. So. fii»g “Holoai^" THE COMMERCIIL SALOON, H/iRRY Klemue, Manager Cot. Nnoana & BereUnia ste. Honolala. H. I. Ykw CHAN, The Only Sportmg Hou*e in Town. O. 1*. B. a Specialitv. 9Jf • • • L0H£NGBIN LAG£B |BEEB, AIways on DnoghL OEAI Ert IN '2* -- I Fdjb Fa?ni^ifl§ Fme T«iioring Fine Ohineee and J»p»new »aodkefchief3 Utm. 31 to 33 Knnanu St. H- uolu in, P,0. Box 253. ... 2 GLASSES FOB 25 CENTS. Be$t of Wines, Lujuors, and Cigars, * r * JL ALWAY8 ON HAND. 4*44