Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
TUTI 1HEI1E8. wili cca_----Oawnt-» «wp. •!* -1 - - fl*rust. »r-i ni» U tfc» wrm. krr «E.‘.«rudn*4 lfc«l U wfll • Lprrr»T, _ Tb*T »f* V»«tuW» *“ br wd ky tfe>r e-.*1 S<J«-»u ad 'J»e yoai f!> Prērr tbe TT*rt of «R. 5»yfey M c. q. 6aiu«*r« !•• .*■“« *•?*•*» iu>Vt H»nawmv Ba. . ADlC3nSTBATI0r8 >T S07I1 THE L'NDEKSIGNED fe«viog ' »pr»nn;ei! Leaponn Ad*i»btulor W of J«EhT rfi«*o P*rx. k)U*. P»uo». Honoloio, 0»tt, Noliee U fetrrbr ritw to »11 crfd;tOT lht dece*»e<l U> pre*e»t lfeeir eUim» wb« «eeemi br M'niw. or otfeerwUe, < tatlmdtcil(<i «aa wilh tb<e proper roael tf ut esi»t lo tbe uod«f*ijctatd »ithlfe monūu fn.m the dait heieol' or tfecy wi forere: b»rml. »od «11 person» indebte< tfee decr««ed »re reqne»t to m«fee medi«t< pwTtnent «t tfee Otfice of S. K«-sh, Con»er of Kln» «nd Bethel 3tn Up-st»ir*. S. K KAN Tempor*ry AdminUtr*tor of tfe< E*t«l Joeebh Uewno Pele, ,k; deee*WHonololu, Augu4t 15, 1SM. lQ 8 M AOmNISTRATION S N0Tlt THE UNDEB3IGNED h*Tin« been . appointed AdminU4ratrix of tbe e«t«te o K. Kman ,k}, Utc of UaUuU, Kol Iri«nd of H»wsii. dece»a<d. Notic« U herebT <iren to «11 creditor the dtcc«4id lo p~esent tfeelr cI*Hbs whe iecurcd by Mortf»ge or otfeerwise antfeendic«ted »nJ with tfee proper eouei if »ny exi»t, to tbe nnder»icnēd wilhin montb» from tbe d»te hereof or tl»eT wi foreTer b«rrecL and «U per»on» indebte the s«id dece*sed «re re«iue#t to make medUte p»yment »t the Olfic« of S, Ka-ne. Corucr of Kimt ind Be!hcl Str U p*t«irs. _ MRB. NAOMI KAAIHUE. Admiu>tratrix of Ihe Est«te of H. K aaihue, dece«»ed. Uonolulu, Angu» 14 IS93. 3w. WANTED. Three bright Hawaiian G to soll tho famons VlAVI ī MEDY. Apply at the olKe» the Viavi Keraedv on King Str aug6 F0R SALE - REN 1 Piano, 1 Orgtn and Sew Maehine inquire of S. K. B('RGE Beretania Street. CRITERION SAL00 Weiland>Extra*PaK Lager Bee 2 Schooners for 25 Gts. jy!4 L. H. DEE, Proj Wover. Wi Mattresses Now. for the first time mani tured right here in Honolulu. Ihe only man outside of the Ui Kingdom. who uses WIRE, m will not RUST; he having s« »xclusive rights to use the san PATRONIZE HOME INl TRY is a hackneyed phrase. But ii want to buiid up a Nation, it tries must be fostered, Keep money in your own islands, buy a Non-Corrosive Solld Com Spring Bcd, made in Honolulu, whieli wil SAG or RUST, or. A Perfectiou Cot, Child's Crib. Vtr*nd»h Ch*Ir, Lounge, Three-Qu«rter» Sla«le Fnll ?ize. Folding Wlre Bei ARTICLES 3uitable to elimaie; PRICES snitable to times, as you find ihem. Ihe Best BED in tl Market» I recnrnraend the HARTF' \YEAVE SPRISG BED, T Wire all through, WOVEN as fine as cloth. J 4 ineh. Mip’.e frain«8. Maili Castings. Wurrant<d in cvery ticuUr. Never yet failed lo satisfaction. 1 oQVr these g>y'ds to tbe pi »;♦» ei •