Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

iThf (Talmcb AUOUST. 1894. » K !» » .mi rORCIfiX n*IL «ERVKK. Ste»mship* wīll Vtave for »nd a •rom 8»n Fr.mci»c<> »n<i otber U jxirt*. on or >txrtrt tbe following < •ill tne clo«? <>( i.iavk UovjLrix Drr. *t Uos< rr.m S*s FB*snsoo. Fn. S»?< Fbv! oe V*xcocvr.m. om V*scocr Anhtr*lu Jcnt23 AastnJi>....Jn Monowmi JnneS8 Armw» Ji W«rrimoo Joly 1 Mmrif*'M AohUali» Jnly2i An*trk1i*.... h Al*ia«U Joly 2*< %V«jrimoo.. . J Araw* Aog. I Mooowmi / Ao*?r»li*.... Atjr. 1S Au*tral»m... .A< Manpoma Ang. 2.1 Armn« A W*mnjoo fiept- 1 Al*m«d* A An*trmjim 15 An«tr»li» f M«now»i 8ept. 22 W*rrin*.o.. .L Armw» Ort. 3 M»ripos».... L< An*tr»li* Oct. 10 An»trali» Al»med» Ort. IS Arawa < Wanimoo Str, 1 Monowai C Auetrmlm 10 Au»trmh».... 1 ManpoM... .Hor. 15 Al»me<l» .... y Ar*wa Uee. I W«rrimoo.. •> An»trali!» I>ee. 8 Anttralia.... . Monowai Dec. 13 Mmriposa....U Wanimoo... .!>«?. 3° Ar»w* E An«traiim....D VEK*EL1 IS r«RT. s*r*l, TtafiELS. H B M S |fy*c.uth, May, En<iamult macatftaor. Iik All>ert, GriftUuL fi«n Pmoeimeo. Ain S N C«oitle, Hnhhanl. fian Ger bk HenU. Tiemann. I ircrpool. fiebr W 8TmIbo*,B'ubmm,Kewcamam O fi 8 An«tralim. Hon«Uette, S F Bk K 1’ Ritbet, Moniaon. 8 F. Jtk Ale\an>lra, Bmrtiel(l. Newemalle. 1 \m bk Klik;*at. Cnller, Port Towus< Am bk Aiut Tnroer, Wmrimad.New 1 , •krius vi:wn> E*pr< Ti Am bk W S Phelp* - r >™/» ”“ r fiobr Alleu A SF(M»^... Bc Ur Robcrt Lewein. Ot*J H b r... Br «bip Orm»ra N. w<m»tU. -.i .». b> 81 K«i o * O S S BelgU k’okoham».. Bk C D Bryaut S F J »> Mfi S Mari|v,««... S)(lt.ey... .A Bk O‘J WileoL... .Mi \(Ue«boroagb CAfi 8 Arawa V«r.oooTtr... i O 8 S AUued« s F \ CA 8 S Wanimoo Sy>lney. .... i F M 8 8 Cbiua H«n Fi»a. ...fi BVtne John Smitli... .NeweaiUe..! (ier bk Paul laeuU’H» Br> men.... B«rk Houtcabeck — Jintpool..J iwo hllle L.itteL« one «Unui-fH-»an to (jnan.xl, «ud the& to dgl »)ne had m monm», «ud tlie «thnr h Thi« wa» tbe way the (pianel beg» fieTenteen (17» b«rm of «oap for 81 ;n. Brfi Mntual Tel- 314. «ng 22nd. )Ve will all be tbere. V> Wby. at tbe 8obeul»en Mnmqaera<}e lia»!, MouJay, umW 3 lao-* ®;;TJuo goiug. Aro you ? g0~ Ir Yot » HOKaE O) a 8ick s»nd tbom at onoe King Streot. Tbe ouly 1 inary Infirmary in tho R«i fully equipi»e<J with luealen pliarcefi aml «killlull aitem augl J. J. Williame tbo well-k Artistic Pbotograpber is m s specialty of portraits on \ I>ials amī Silk HauJkerc Coropl«to sots of Lantern i lectnres eau be bo<f at the ga For they are sold at a reaso ftj;nre by the Jo?.eu or b> huudred. A Useless Run. At a few minutes before 7o' VVednesday eveuiug, oue o: windy speeches of the Itoy( so Major Woltor’s states, bl through a window of tbe 1’ Hotel parlor«, explodevl a and eaeeeil a 8iu*ll-sizevl eo: r»tion. Tbe »lertness and onee of uiiud of the only (, who is registered, snbdu«< dire »ttempt of the great m» ( and the fl»mo was soon squel with but little d»mage. fire raiontes after tbe fire