Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]

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C0NSTITUTI0N and LAWS Framed bv tlie Missiouaries. * LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 3. If auy man rec6ive couoterfeit eoin from another anJ pay it away again to a thirJ person withoot knowing it to be bad money, he eommila no crime. but that money shall be returned to tho former jM)3sessor and he ahall pay goo»l money in plaee of the bad whieh was retarned. 4. If anvone receivo money whieh is couutorfoit, and afterward discovor it, or hoar from one who is acquaioted with it that it is couuterfoit, theu that man is oriminal if ho trades it away to auothor withont giviug notice that it is counterfoit. Whoevor doos thus ahall pay two g0CKl dollars for every bad one, aud in additiou to this shall pay ono to the government. And this shall be tho rato even to the farthest extent. 5. If the criminal be a foreigner and from auother eoun try, and he oountorfoited the mon®y at aomo other plaeo, but laaded on these shores having said raooey iu his pos8038ion, ihe iaw will in that caso bo applieahle to him in the same manner asit doas to nativoborn citizans whoeommit the onme on shoro. On the first day of Hapt.3inbar of the currout year, this law shall take effoct at all placos ou Hawaiiau Islands. All tho.se edicts having approved by tho House of Noblos and Representatives wo bave here unto set onr names on thia aeventh day of May, in the yearof Lord ono thousaud eigbt hundred and forty one, at Lahaina, Mani. (Signed) KAMEHAMEHA III KEKAULUOHI. CH.\PTER XXXII. LAW RESPECTING PERJURY. There’is a distinction between falsehoo<l an*l perjnry. !f a man be brooght to tiial for the eommiaaion of somo fauit, and he denies it, even though veally gailty, stiil he i-* not • perjurer. He is only guilty of falsehood. The fol!ow ing is perjury; If a man be brooght to trial l>efore the jadges, and tbere eome forward a witness, and take hohl o£ the word of God, and swearby it to speak the truth, and afterw.ini sUte that whieh is false for the parpose of freeicg a guilty mau from punishment, he is a perjarer. If a mao merely mako a mistake that does uot make him a perjorer. But if a man designedly attempt to deliver a gnilty person, or iuvo!ve an innoeeni one, and in couseqaence of sncb design. sUtes a falsehood, or conceals what he knows. he is perjnrer, and the following law shall apply to him. This law applies to him who stands before the chiefs and judges, and gives testimony at a trial, and tbat testunony proves to be false. Soch an act is highly crimin*l, wbere* fore in a councilof tbe Noblesand Reprosentative Body. all the words of this law were approved: 1. If a man be bronght to trial and a witnes* eome forward and laying his hand on the word of God swear to speak tbe truth. and afterward testify falsely with a design to procare the coademnation of the innoeeni or the aeqoittal of tha guilty, his ponishment sball beas fo!lows: If tbe statement have reference to tbe ltfe or deatb of a man he shal! be banisbed to another country, tbere to remain for tbe term of from ten to fifteen years, accordiog to tbe magnitude of the offenae. If hia testimony have no reference to the life or death o£ a man, he ahall be whipped twenty lasbes. and thou soffer such forther punishment as he tbought to bring on an ienocent person, or aa he thought to reliere a gnilty person from. Tbos, if he testify faisely that a mao has stolen, he sball then snffer the puuisbment of a tbief. If he testify faleely tbat a mau haa been guilty of rioting. he sball suffer the puniehmeni of a rioter. 2. If a man be suspected of perjory, he ahall not be puuished, until aome other witness appears tban the one who wa» belied should eome forward, a witoess baving no intereat on either aide, and that impartial man shonld so teetify th«t it heeomea elear that the acoused man did really testify falaely, tben his gnilt ahall be couaidered aa established, and he ahall be punished as «pecified above. 3. If a man be ponished for tbe orime o( perjory, he ean nerer tftonrnd appear before tbe chiefs or jodgea aa a witnaas T bw words will never again be reoeived aa truth. (Ta B$ Ooniimuā.)