Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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J. I. Dow«vett hn* n trei notice io tbis issne. 0> »ter eoekUiU are yet ol il>ie at the Ancbor. The mac*damiziDg of E slreet is not yet complete<f. * Rain stiI1 bolds off and « taLers are yet sbort of snpp1 Wonder if the sabbath w desecrate<l by rifle shootit Makiki» The Freoch toQristcase w heard next Monday. Witn pleaee attend > The bcandiuavian dog-po ing case occnpied the time o district conrt today. Sans Sooci is u pleasaut at whieh to enjoy a siesta d this preseut tropical weatbe It was ramored that Mi Kiuney will socceed Mr. ( Wilder as depnty-attorney eral. Stores in town and ont of rnust be closed by 9 a.m. t> row. Ritle shooting all d Makiki. Col. Jim Sherwood will room for all bathers who eall at his Long Branch ] tomorrow. The loeul price of Ha« rice has been advanced 1 pei ponnd with prosjrects fnrther riso. The band will give au air eoneeii, at Emma sq this afternoon eommeuein J:30 o’eloekF. Jnllivar wus fined J10C costs for illieii liqnor sellinj Creighton uotcd an appeal t circnit eoui l. The Amaieiu' Alhleiie raembers will probably practice «t the Recreation gic this afternoon. Cliarles Girdler. dry f uoale. and general eommi agent, is reported to be in f oial diffieultie^. Snperintendent Cassidy is bnsy with his men in plo longer and stronger telep posts iu position. The comjjetition rifle shoo tween companies of the rej and voluuteer corps took \ today at the Makiki range. The Hawaiian band will g complimentary coucert to Conntess of GIasgow and i passengere of the Arawa at p. m. this evening. Many taro-planters who pend up on natural irrig) now see their orops rottin( waut of water. Asaconsegc the price of poi is advancinj Long Life Whiskey is the remedy for the sugar baron! day. Cunningbam has pl left aud dispenses it for e Sngar stocks nre not taken t< The steamer Mariposa s tho Hyacinth before the la arrival iu port here and ihe tosso1s mails were transferre board the £astern bonnd ve Kiug Bros dealers in ar sapplies and all art materia vite tbe pnhlie to visit Ihein nn Hotel slreet and inspeet

"(Miaen»' Bī«erre B«dg?s" cot now neede*I by «nv one. di«pUy (bem woa’d be a di«g n»ther th*n to reflret honcr tbe wearer. Tbe charge of larceny broi by Mrs. Fr»nces M. Sicoll, | ;«rietre8s of the Bo»ton Ini rooms, ag*inst one of tbe emp ees of tbe establīsbment has beeu proven and tbe case been not pros'd. Mr». DoIe and otber 1 pedestrians ou Emmi street no» compelIed to tate tbe V tiai side of the street on acc< of the obnoxioos vines al overhang tbe walt at tbe residence, near Captain Kir on the Ewa side of the street. ‘ Joe Date” a former known trotter is now being d speeded throogb the street' his owner at a rate whiel very liable to resnlt in in to some person or property. to-day, the luws only appl; tho ‘‘royalists.’ - Oplii'i K ri Klemme the sident of tbe Scbeutzen elul» receivid a generous resp to bis cauvass for prizes t< given at the coming Masque Ball. Tbey «re many iu num varied iu design and of eoi etable «ggregate value. Mrs. Thirds delivered hei t theo»ophical lecture, befor< Honoluln audience, last eve at Foster hall. Her subject ‘‘Evolution’’ nnd the explanr was well clotbed iu theosojii language. A la;-ger audidnoe any previous one greeted the ou tbe occasion and forn absent theosophists were pre: The Hulleiin states tbat ; bidding at tbe salo of snroba stamps‘lield by Morganyeste was spiritless. The pricos r< ed were os follows; le. g G‘2J, cents a sheet; le. blue, ? le. violet, $2.75; 2c. brown, 3 ‘ie rose with ermr. ?2.50 dark blae, Qc. gieen, S (.Oe. vermilliQD, $?.o0; lOe. b $5.50; lōe brown, balf a S4.25 2o. vcrmillion, 95cts. < 12o. ra«nve, bl«ck sureh §3.25 eaeh, le. onvelope, per 100; 2c. envelope, $c pei •t — #