Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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dI^ŪITCOUI|TFlf^īdi^ i " V —0F THE — I0LA]1D0. IX PROBATE. In thc r of tbt estate of Rūse ; tkno, l»te of Uono’.ulu, OaUu, de»ea.'< | t«tate. On tbe rc«ding and filing the petit MRS. NANCT STII.1.MAN' 6f said Hoa all«ttng tbat Ko-e M .Ueno of said Hon died iutestate at said Uonolala, on tl dar of Febmarr, A. D. IS94, and pravin , Letters of AduinUtraU*Ki Usuc to he Nanev StiHnian. It is ordered. that on FRIDAT. the 21 of SEPTEMBEK. A. D. iSW. bc and l ; ** appoiati'd for hearing faid petitiun. I I conrtrootn uf tbis Conrt, at Honuin whieh titac and plaee all per«ons eom mav appear and ahow tanse, U any thcv w bv saI3 petition sbould not bc grmntei j Dated Honoluln, IL L. Ang. 21. A. D BT THE COl ClLUtLEs F. Peters 05, Cierk ang. 25-f SOTI€E. ALL per*ons are berefcr nouhcd ac< tioncd that anyono canght &iu gaue o( any doscripūoa or trcspa.wi anj of thc lac<L< bdocging lo tfce t ti£ued on this laianii, vUl be piuupH ! secnted. [Signed.J J. I. DOWSE Honolnln, Aug. 25, 1BM. ang25CITY CARRIAGE Cl | Corner KING and BETHEL CAJlRXA.eE AT ALL HOURSL Both Teiephones No. 113. J. S. ANPRADE, june 15-tL