Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
WLen tbe trade fiods time to doabt our assertions about ?i»le3 and prices. bnt one eonclnsion ean be fonued, and that is that are settinp the paee on prices, as well is do:ug the bosiness. Tbere is an o!d prorerb that ' “what is one man’s loss is always anuther man’s again.*’ Me are going on record acd charge it to what is yonr gain. by trading with us. and oors by increased business—is the other man’s loss> So down we go from day to day in prices. ,There is not a doll counter in onr Store; wa hare gotten out of the old rut. The days of large profits are orer. Every day it will be something new and tempting in styles and prices. We can’t mention bnt a fow articles in this eolumn, but wish to impress you that if you 1 waut anything in oar line yon ean get it at ROCK B01TOM PR1C£S and a guarantee tho goods are as representod. If yon bny those Turkish ; Towels of ours you will surely pray for n»iu. They are so ditferent from the eheap things odercd as Tnrkisu Towels. Cash bonght these so that we ean sell them at just as low a figure as the eheap goods are otfered at. A handsome PCRSE is a very deceptive thing. It aīmost always creates the impression tbat ihere is money in it, and so there is, if you save on the purchase price lby buying of us. We struck a 1 snap in onr pnrchase of PURSES —and will give you the benefit of it. They run from 26 eeuU to perfect beauties in Roal Alligator and Russian Seal with Sterliug Silver Mountings. I PARASOLS Interest yon ? I.ook all over town for just what you wanted — beg pardon, you looked every plaee but here. If you had yon wonld have seen, Ladies Small j Carriage, Black Sateens, Black ; Gloria, 8ilk Sorges, Navv’ Blne Silk, with Dresden China freal) ; handles, Black Silk Katural Stiok handles, etc. Also, a full line of Men’s ineh Silk Umbrellas. Ko fancy prices on these goods. 1 B. F. EHLEBS & C0.