Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

f . July 24. 1894. In ' PudJenhea«i Wilaoo’? Phil1 osophy" Mark Twainsays: “Pot > all of your eggs in one basket — and watch that basket” Eggs 1 are not the on!y tbings io whieh tbia spplies, we ean make it fit • stoves and cbange eggs into 1 doilars and make it read—lnvest i yonr eoin in a Pansy Stove—and the stove will watch itself. We i have been watching these stoves ; for tho past live years. and find thom the best iron stove sold in this market for the money, Where else than at our store ean you get a stove tbat will do overytbing that a $50 stove will doand , got it for 815? Eeho an3wers, ‘the piaee isn’t built.’ Wo have | sold hundreds of these stoves in Honolnlu, and never had a eomI plaint. Two weeks ago. we sold i one to a geutleman on Hawaii, I I and yesterday he ordered another ’ a friend. Xhe stove sells itself thr«>ugh its fuel saving qualities, and because, it is a good baker. You ean got other ; styles of stoves if you are not particular as to the qnaatity of fuel vOn burn or how vonr food is cooked. Thero’s no dysi pepsia in meals prepared on a PANSY. We received last week a lot of wire clothos-lines that hold : I washed clothes \7ith0ut nsing pins. It is a sort of double wire | arrangement and the pieces are , I held in between; the barder the 1 wiud blows the tighter the pieces 1 ; are held to the Ime. There is absolntely no danger of the , j clochiug being torn as there is ' nothing sharp about iho line. While the cost is a trifle greater | than rope, this new style will last so mueh longer tbat it is' : eeonomieal to bny the pinless i line. j | Tho CLAUSS is one of the uew fangled saw-edge knives that cuts warm bread without leariog it heavy and iced eake withont making crumbs. There are two or three d:tferent makes of these knives, all on the same principle 1 an<i eaeh one prouounced the best on earth by the mauufacWe selected the Clauss, whieh we as a disinterested spectator to be better than its neighbors. You never had anythihg in yonr life tbat give as Ratisfaction for a dollar, If I . . you were buying the otuer sort j you would get only one. TLe favorite sewiog maehine in any community is tbe one that does tho most for the least money and whieh runs the easiest. in tbo “Wcrtheim” you have a maehine that sews three distinct stitches —The Loek, Chain and Embroidory and runs easier than any other maehine, and you pav | twenty do!lars less for it Eeonomy stands boldly every side when you buy a Wertheim. In tucking the ehain stitch is preferable, but in oiber kinds of work. the loek stitch is tbe best. lf you buy a maehine that sews the loek, unless it is a Wertheim, it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. There’s no particular saving in buying a maohine with but one stitcb, tbe Wertheim does three . and saves yon Iots of tronble and work. We’ve just unpacked six casks of stand lampathat were bnilt for bard times. They have metal bases and are decorated 30 as to make a ven> neat appeannee in a room. We don’t tbink yon ean get as good a lamp anywhere else for the money, tiy as hard as yon pleaae. Onr stock of table cntlery, spoons and forks is as large as yon will find in any storo in San Francisco, and our pn'oee eompaie favorab!y with thoee in New York. ne Einiia Cl'