Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — Of Interest to the Tiser. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Of Interest to the Tiser.

lsaac W. Blain. an ex-convict, was arresto«i in San Francisco, Aog. 4tb, bj' the postai anthorities and taken to the Alanffcda county jail. He has Jbeen duppeople by offering to supply n Japanese girl ns a wife with a $300-a-mouth ineome, on receipt of $5. He was tried in 1890 for using the mails for frandulent purpose9 and convicied. He was oaught again in 1891,and when released from the Alameda eounty jail was taken to Los Angelos, where he served a year for defrauding people by means of •‘The Pacific Marriage Bureau.” He was reīeascā iu 1893, aud oame to San Fraucisco, where he started the “Aeme Marriage Bureau.’' Blain had a number of Honolulu lettors among the oorrespoudepc,e seized.