Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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A personal notice in faror of one of the applicants for the position of soperintendent of the Insane Asylūra whieh appeared in the 'Tiser this morning, omitted to state that the applicint’sqnalification3asadiapenser : of alehoholie mixed drinks were higbiy rated, and that he bad also tbat he h.id been bnt a half- ! a-dozen monlha in the conntry did not onderstand either written or spoLen Hawaiians, bot might be made nseful in collectingsmall articles,of value only to tbe owner. Tbe Ttser seems to be going into tbe boom bnsiness for political purjiose3 at so maeh per line.