Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — MISREPRESENTATION. [ARTICLE]

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In hd art ele Leaded “breakipg j Hway f " the Sf«ir in la?t nigbt’s ‘ tsaoe eiaime tbat the Hawaiwuw are deserting tbe royaKst »nd nre rnp*j?U—to the .•N.f!>Sk l!.e rē)iublic ) r** f f <.f tbis aod«ifio5s'%s.s>rrtiOii tbe eveuiog paj*er ivfers to tlie fitct-r tI)ht tbe bas beeu j ..hle to piek **at 50 Hawaii.ms to i serve hh jnrorK. TLe entbas>asiD i <lisptH\ed ov« r that f4ct is re.tlh aroasiiig. Tbe HaWiiiian jun e was n«*t selecte«l nt r.«ndum froro r Uie iū;*R8es of tbe |*er*|»le. bot ihe t : nnmen w. re 8Īmply Ukeu from « tbe r«-gister of electors It took t qoite aome time l>efore' tbere e wereeoough Haw «iiansregistere<i a to fill i pnnel. Tb;*t tbere are t sO'*te ren« g.*des who foli uw tbe i traitor8 wbn try to sell tbeir I coantry, is nudoubtedly n f<ct. * B**t it is grHtifymg tbat on!y « ver\ small mmor ty ean be foand 1 rea«ly t>* bre;ik tb«*ir allegii*nce t«» ( ! »heir »over< ign Tbe gr<- «test < nn*uber are not ie«! bv con\icti«»M * Iof o(.ini**n, but tlie alm■gbty I qnesti«n «>f bre.ul m*d bntt«*r b.*s j c*>ni|*elled tbdu to *>bey lbeir 1 ‘*republic*u” bos8>'8 \vl*o st«*p nt i no me *ns iu c<>inp«lling tbeii 1 slaves to. nt least M|>p.**reutly j >iu i tbeir r»nks lf tbrre s anv breaking aw iy < «,f Hawaiians it certainlv is fron* tbe nmks of tbe r*-pnblic Tbe 1 innexiiti"ii e ul* was sn<l t<> lu*ve u« rlv 2000 Hnwa iiins on :ts J , r.>lls Tbai st;*t ment waB m >de •|>eiily nii«Foffici»Hy l»y tl»e «>ffi•**rs *.f tb«* ei'il» t-> Mr Blonnt ’ brr<* »»r<* llie 2000 t«» dny Mr. Star ••«!»! Tbe ability t<» i*ick I "iit *>nl\ 50 Hhw iiimis rendy I" j **s\vear’’ t<* D«*1e seems t>» indicate tb..t aln*nt 19)0 liave “broken ] t\vav.” If tlu> Slar and its | i tui>s< s eun find »ny cooif«*rt in | ili tf et tbey me weleune Tbe t Sla‘'s st.itemeut in reg:>r>! to tlie | Koiiala Haw iiiaiis is s>m(>lv . bsurd a ii«l sbows its abso nt< I . >ek «»f knowlu»!" * inore esj>ecial- . ' ly in r* g.nd t<> loeiil u>Httcrs.