Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — The Fam ly Compact. [ARTICLE]

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The Fam ly Compact.

TV C Wilder ii» nce-pr**8ideut of tlie Kt*5>nlil'r(?)CI»»s T. »lder (ouw fi«n5 i» CouroI i*t San FraD* c:sc >, W. C Wildt i Jr (Mn<»ther 8<»n) in C»<pti»jn of n milit*rr c«m p«uy (iuiliirte4) G;«i\liier K W>ld«r »« d«*p*»tv-atfoniey gen«*r;«l, willi « pr**S|<ective judg«*ship Artlinr Wil«ter »s ncti«»K ry Ior tbe C<>miiciIr aml rsxiKt<nt offici*l Hten<nrrtj»h'r J K Wild«*r i« ill «t pr»*Heiit i«nd Hn*»tl«er «ne of the fumily, oo wiider ILho the oihen, i» e«miiog hū» iiving m » b*nk olerk.